Thursday 27 February 2020

15 Tips To Get Glowing Skin In Summer, Naturally

Summer can be harsh on your skin, especially the facial skin. Your skin can easily get dehydrated, sunburnt, or even look super greasy in excessively humid conditions. Here are 15 best tips that will help you radiate naturally glowing skin.
  • Keep Yourself Hydrated – it is vital that you keep yourself hydrated during the summers at regular intervals of he day. The high amount of water intake prevents the skin cells from drying out and becoming dull when exposed to the sun.
  • Add Antioxidants To Your Diet – foods that are rich in antioxidants are packed with essential vitamins and minerals which allow the skin cells to rejuvenate and glow naturally. So do add antioxidants to your diet right away.
  • Do Not Forget To Use Sunscreen – using a sunscreen (minimum of SPF 15) is a must when stepping out during the day, irrespective  of whether it is overcast or not. Sunscreen prevents the skin from tanning and also protects it from the sun’s harmful UV rays. Water-based sunscreens give a natural look.
  • Changing Your Face Wash – a face wash is a brilliant accessory that helps clean the dirt and muck stuck through the day thereby giving the face a fresh and healthy look. As you might need to use it more than once based on your skin type, go for a milder variant for your face, or better still, make a natural one yourself.
Healty skin
  • Go Easy On Makeup – when it comes to makeup during the summers, it is essential that you go easy on it. During the summers you must let your skin breathe if you want it to look fresh and healthy. You don’t want all the makeup melting across your face.
  • Update your moisturizer – a moisturizer is a must, but go for a water-based moisturizer if you have oily skin. It helps keep your skin moisturized, which in turn helps the skin look fresh and hydrated.
  • Exfoliation – during the summers, your skin tries it’s best to keep itself healthy and heal any sunburns. So you can help the skin furthermore by exfoliating. Exfoliation helps to eliminate the dead skin cells. You can never go wrong with a natural  homemade exfoliant.
  • Maintain Regular Exercise – regular exercise during the summers can be hectic, but don’t let the heat pull you down. Exercise promotes blood flow all over the body resulting in a natural ‘blush’ at times . Sufficient blood flow means that your skin cells are getting enough oxygen, thereby giving a natural glow.

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