Tuesday 14 January 2020

Lose Weight – The Healthy Indian Way

Visit any dietitian or physician, they would always stress on managing diet with things that are easily available and not getting too experimental. Before we jump to try a Keto diet or Atkins diet, just look inwards – try the Indian way.

After all our grandparents rarely visited a doctor – they were fit and fine with a pure Indian diet and Indian way of living. Their Indian diet comprised of fresh vegetables, fruits, dairy, and poultry products – with no artificial preservatives or colors. Now many of us have realized to go back to the roots. Rediscover the way they cooked food, cereals Indians 40 years back used to consume.

So here are a few reasons why you should make way for the Indian way –

–         Your body is not adapting to some foreign diet.

–         Getting back into shape is pocket-friendly as well.

–         By eating stuff produced in India, you are helping locals economically.

Fitness experts, including Rujuta Diwaker, have few tips to share if you intend to stay fit the Indian way.

Do not give up ghee – Yes you heard it right, ghee is allowed to daily intake but limit it to 3-6 teaspoons/ person.

Switch your morning chai with good old almonds – Yes for a slimmer body you can give up chai addiction in the morning. Instead, begin your day with almonds or any seasonal fruits (soon we will see gorgeous mangoes flooding the market).

Opt for Indian snacks – For a bit too long we have taken the help of pizza slices and burgers to beat our hunger pangs. Not anymore. Roast some makhanas (foxnuts) in ghee and a little salt or try some chana chaat or murmure mix. Also, try to make these simple recipes all by yourself, it gives a different joy.
Say No to processed food – Yes we often go to supermarkets and fill our carts with all kinds of processed food, ready to eat ones. We don’t have much time to spare for cooking a meal. Share your cook time with your partner, siblings, and flatmates but do cook your own food. There is a growing consensus that processed foods are harmfully laced with artificial chemicals and preservatives.

You can have carbs and proteins – Ideally, some fad diets would recommend dropping either carbs or proteins. Rujuta Diwekar is of the opinion that have a meal, which balances both.

For some great articles on health, lifestyle, beauty, and many more interesting topics visit https://www.healthclaw.com

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