Thursday 2 January 2020

6 ways to help your baby learn to walk

Watching the apple of your eye starts walking is one of the most beautiful experiences in the world. But your little one needs the utmost care in making the transition from the cradle to the floor. However, the baby’s first steps, which start usually between the age of 9 to 12 months need a lot of careful supervision, praise, and encouragement.

Here are some steps that will help your child in learning to walk.

Encourage sitting and crawling: Your baby’s legs need sufficient muscle strength. This can be achieved by encouraging your child to sit, crawl and roll back and forth.
Pull up and stand: Since your baby’s legs are still unsteady, parents need to help pull up the baby to stand with their support. When the baby wants to sit back on the floor, show them how to bend their knees.

Gaining balance: Once your baby is able to stand, hold his or her hands as they start taking their first steps. This activity has to be constantly practiced with the baby.

No footwear yet: Your baby will do justice to his or her walking when barefoot. This is important as it will help the baby to feel the ground and adjust their bearings as required which will be according to the surface on which he or she is walking on.

Moving around furniture: Your baby needs to be encouraged to step out of the comfort zone. By allowing your baby to tread around furniture, you will ensure the strengthening of his or her hip and thigh muscles and building overall stamina.

Play way method: To improve balance and encouraging as much walking as possible, different kinds of games can experiment with the baby. These can be done by placing colorful and attractive toys at some distance and sitting and standing with the baby.

Happy walking!

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