Monday 13 January 2020

Manage your stress, go Gymming

As we have got more and more integrated with the world economy, we have learned to be flexible in our working – managing things with the US market, meeting demands of East Asian and Australian customers. And the list is endless. With the internet, life has been on a non-stop business mode, covering miles across geography.

At home front, homemakers have been multitaskers – dropping kids to schools, take them to activities classes and supplying them with perfect breakfasts and snacks. Actually, stress can hit you anytime – and each one of us has a defense mechanism to deal with it. The concern is it should not become overbearing.

There are studies where people in the younger age group (30-40 years) are reporting a high level of fatigue and work level stress. Heavy dependence on machines and sedentary workstyles has added also increased the chances of lifestyle diseases.
Your physicians will aptly advise you to hit the gym, not just to reduce weight and get into shape but also beat the stress (including latent stress).

Just by making small changes to ensure physical and mental fitness. Begin by sharing workload (including cooking and cleaning) and staying connected with your friends and loved ones. Take small breaks in between work. Work on small travel plans, away from city life. Stay away from mobile phones when eating, spending time with family and make a cut off time for your online activities.

Adults must start eating healthy. Eat light and stay healthy. Eating out is a way to catch up with friends but reduce the number of eat-outs.

For physical wellness and mental well-being, register with some activities, develop a hobby.

There are studies which support that gymming and work out can help deal with stress management. Begin with small walks and get your partner along with if you are too much of couch potato. With the gym, you can be flexible with your workout, depending on your work schedule. But ensure gymming activity should not get monotonous – mix it with a dose of meditation, some yoga sessions, and some outdoor games or swimming.

Staying physically active can improve mental alertness, focus, and concentration, according to several studies. Sustained physical activities release endorphins (chemicals that act as natural pain killers) in the brain, which in turn induces sleep and brings down the stress level.

There are researches, which suggests that increased exercise can generally bring down tension. Also, with a toned body, sculpted in a gym, can elevate your confidence level and make you quite a head-turner.

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