Thursday 9 January 2020

Plank exercise and its multifaceted benefits

Plank exercise is popular, but still, people wonder what it is it exactly. This is a strength training exercise solely meant for isomeric core and involves the body to hold certain positions for a few seconds, and this varies as per the parts involved. These positions are often addressed as front-hold position, hover position or abdominal bridge. Plank exercise improves posture, and it also sculpts the waistline.

Plank exercise is of different kinds and for specific parts of the body:

  • Arms exercise
  • Back exercise
  • Glutes workout
  • Hamstring exercise

We can burn more calories and gain muscles by regularly doing plank exercise. To build core strength, it is necessary to incorporate plank exercise in the workout routine as per the leading fitness experts. The exercise is effective on your back, hips. It strengthens the entire core.

The variations in Plank Exercise as stated by Toney Maloney

Tony Maloney is a leading fitness trainer, a physiologist who belongs to the National Institute for Fitness and Sports, Indianapolis. The propagator of plank exercise talks about the variations in plank exercise:

The Forearm plank is a kind of standing plank so popular among people. Just lie down on the ground on your face and extend your legs, bending elbows moving them under the shoulders and keeping the hands clasped all through. Contract your abdomen and lift the body by tucking the toes. The body is straight from head to the toes. Stay in this position for about a minute.
The Straight arm plank is another plank variation, a push-up position for the body. In the straight arm plank, the person kneels with his hands and then moves to the toes while the body is straight throughout.
Leg lift or arm lift plank targets the core, the glutes, the chest, the upper back of the body. All these regions may be strengthened to a great extent. Stay in the push-up hold position and raise your leg. Hold the position for some time and repeat with another leg.
Dolphin Plank, the Yoga Hybrid position works out your back, abs, and shoulders. Dolphin plank is a fabulous way to strengthen various parts of the body.
To make plank exercise more interesting, add plank jacks and attain flat abs. The fitness expert emphasizes the importance of plank exercise in most of his fitness journals. It completely tones your body, strengthens neck and shoulders. Plank exercise boosts metabolism and promotes mental calmness, reduces the risk of back injury and spinal injury. It also makes the body flexible.

So now you know what to try when you want to have a flat ab.
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