Tuesday 31 December 2019

Putting your baby in daycare? Here’s what you need to know

Daycares for your baby today is available in every corner of our colonies and societies. However, it becomes imperative for parents to be able to identify the right one for their little ones. Here’s what you need to know when choosing the perfect place for your child to spend time in.

Inspect the floor of the place: Parents need to see how the caregivers interact with the children present there. The best way for the staff to handle babies is to sit on the floor playing with the children or holding one in their arms or laps. This prevents them from giving a cold and impersonal feel. Babies are not objects lying on the floor. The caregivers should possess a sense of warmth, love, compassion and be responsive to the child’s needs. It’s also very important to see that not more than a couple of kids are handled by one person. Very small babies need individual attention.

Inspect the hygiene of the place: Your baby is susceptible to diseases. It’s important to ensure that the place is free of any bacteria and germs.

Preparedness for any medical emergencies: The staff should have the required medicines at hand in case the child falls ill.

Get the staff to make a commitment: Your baby requires a person who looks after them with consistency. When your child becomes secure and comfortable with the person after interacting on a daily basis, they get used to being with the same person. In case the baby sees a new face, he or she will find it difficult to get accustomed. For this reason, it’s important to have a long term contract with the caregiver.

Inquire about the policies of the institution or company: Certain important factors such as discipline, the usage of television, whether it’s used throughout the day or only for some time, the quality of food provided for children, the sleeping routine need to be thoroughly checked.

Come to the day-care to quietly assess without being noticed: Even though daycare promises you the best in all their facilities, its important for a parent to come by and observe what happens behind their backs.

Communicate effectively with the caregiver: Until your baby starts talking you will have to rely on the caregiver. He or she should be able to answer all questions related to the child regarding food, sleep, diapers, and other essential baby stuff in a satisfactory manner.

Solve any problem with your caregiver as soon as possible: The caregiver has been entrusted with the sensitive and delicate responsibility of your child. If any problem arises, rather than procrastinating one should thrash out the problem in an effective manner.

Rely on own your own instinct: As a parent, only you know what’s best for your baby. Even though there are very good quality daycares around, if you do feel something does not feel right, act spontaneously according to the situation.

Being flexible: Parents cannot afford to show rigidity when it comes to choosing a daycare. If there is any problem with the place or its people it would be best for parents to change the place and look for one that is best suited to their needs.

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