Thursday 31 October 2019

How to stop nail biting

Nail-biting is a serious and common issue affecting our lives. Lots of children and teenagers engage in this problem and many people carry on with it right into adulthood.

It’s a psychological phenomenon that takes place when someone is anxious or tensed about something and is feeling restless.

People also tend to bite their nails when they are weary, impatient, hungry and feeling insecure. It is an involuntary thing that people do without realizing what they are up to.

Biting can make your nails look abnormal as the constant biting can damage the tissue and the nails will stop growing in a natural manner. Your teeth can be chipped or broken with nail-biting that will spoil your smile and in worst cases, your jaw could be broken.

You can also fall ill with nail-biting. This is because hands are a breeding ground for germs and bacteria. When you repeatedly put your fingers in your mouth, it can make you sick.

Here are some ways that can help you stop this bad habit.

Keep your nails short. Long nails can be tempting for a habitual nail biter. When your nails are trimmed, the urge to bite will become less.

Paint some nail polish on your nails. Certain nail polishes have a strong smell and bad taste which when applied to your nails will stop you from chewing your nails.
Keep going in for manicures. When your nails have been expertly beautified in expensive salons it will give you a reason to keep your nails looking good and you will not want to spoil the look by biting at your nails.

Wearing gloves is also a good idea for those who simply can’t kick the habit. If at times you feel you can’t wear them then you can use stickers on your nails which can help you drop the habit.

Finding the reasons behind the habit. If you can identify what are the trigger factors, and how you feel and what exactly are you doing when biting your nails, you will realize what compels you to bite and can help yourself with alternative therapies.

Keep your hands and mouth occupied. There should be ways to keep you busy such as stress balls or worry stones or maybe even a pen to click. Chewing some gum will keep you busy and take your attention from nail-biting elsewhere.

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Wednesday 30 October 2019

15 best workouts for people who hate exercise

Do you somehow feel that you are allergic to gym and gym equipment? If the very thought of lifting weight or running makes your arms and legs ache, try out 15 best workouts given in this section.
According to Joe Kekoanui, a sports trainer, you should do something that you enjoy. If you like gardening, then just do that to tone up your body. Since everyone’s need is different, you should not try and copy your friend or follow his workout regime.
Walking to burn calories
A beginner who dreads the very thought of exercising in the gym must start from walking. Walking puts no strain on the joints. Forty-five minutes of regular walking not only burns calories but also builds your cardiovascular endurance. It won’t cost you anything and may be done wherever you want.

Biking can tone up the leg muscles
As you use leg muscles when riding a bike, you should move out on a bike. Depending on the difficulty of the terrain, you will burn calories in the process.
Yoga for many benefits
Yoga in the morning will keep you active throughout the day. It also promotes body flexibility and improves the range of motion, improves posture and develops the core strength.
Swimming as pastime
Many people love to swim and consider it their hobby. Swimming puts the least amount of stress on the joints. It again burns calories while building cardiovascular strength.
Hiking improves the heart rate
Hiking improves cardiovascular health, tones the leg muscles and helps to reduce weight. Depending on the terrain, hiking can be a high impact or low impact.
Golf, the favorite group sports
It is not necessary to work out in a gym when you can join your friends and indulge in golf. The group sport is the favorite of many for it benefits health and is a fun sport.
Tai Chi – the way to socialize 
If you don’t know much about Tai Chi, try and take a few classes. The amazing martial art and exercise balance the mind and body. By taking classes, you can also socialize.
Rowing to burn calories
Rowing improves heart health, burns calories and improves upper body strength.
Mermaiding classes
For a full body workout, indulge in mermaid-ing. A fitness expert Christine Dustin has a lot to say about its positive effects.
Facial exercises
If you are not exercising, lying on your couch, then do facial exercise to tone up facial muscles.
Ballroom dancing for couples
Not only can couples bond better with ballroom dancing but also the activity works out the body.
Other exercises you can do

  • Organize a dance party every weekend
  • Planking at home
  • Stretching exercises at home for fun
  • Playing with the pet

Staying active is the best way to exercise the body. Try out the 15 exercises as mentioned above as per your area of interest.
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How to tone the abs with crunches?

Stomach crunches can fabulously tone your core muscles and are the way to attaining washboard abs. You can achieve six-pack abs of your dreams only when you do things properly. The best part about crunches is that you may do that while watching television, listening to music. Although crunches may seem similar to sit-ups it is easier. If you are a beginner in stomach crunches, then you may do three crunches in each set. Be slow and let the abs do its work. Well, the ideal number would be doing 25 crunches in 3 sets if you are experienced in doing it.
Tips for toning the abs with crunches

Just doing stomach crunches will not tone your abs. Compliment with other kinds of exercises and a balanced diet to tone your abs. Spot reduction is possible with several sets, but you have to stick to the regime to get a permanent result. There is no need to purchase abs exercise equipment for you can do crunches freely. It is also vital to hold the right posture while doing abs exercise. Breathe out and at the same time pull the belly button in. The moment your abs muscles are relaxed, tie a string around the waist while breathing out and pulling the belly button in. This will certainly narrow your waist and reduce the abs. Maintain the posture for 5-6 breaths, and then you release. After you have mastered your breathing and posture, you need not tie a string. This is the way to getting the best result from crunches.

Why should you tone the abs?

There are various reasons why people tone their abs. When the core muscles are strong, it tends to stabilize the body and thereby improves posture and body balance. Your stomach will be flat while it also gives support to the spine. So, you won’t have a backache.

Steps to doing crunches properly

Here is how you can do stomach crunches properly. The steps are directly from the fitness expert Samuel Ronald:
  • Lie on the floor and bend your legs while the feet are flat on the floor.
  • Rest your hands on the back of the head. You may also cross the hands on the chest.
  • Lift the shoulder blades off from the ground while moving elbows towards the knees.
  • Now, squeeze the abs for 1-2 seconds
  • Return to the same starting position and breathe out when you raise your body. When lowering the body, breathe in.
It is vital to ensure that the movements are controlled and quite slow. It is the best way of getting good results from stomach crunches.

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Tuesday 29 October 2019

Best Tips to Reduce Your Cholesterol Levels Naturally

Cholesterol is often regarded as the “silent killer” because of the adverse health effects that it has. It takes away the lives of millions of people every year. If you too are worried about your cholesterol levels, then you should have a look at these excellent tips to reduce it naturally.

Eat Oats for breakfast – an easy step to reduce your cholesterol levels is to have a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast. You can also add some strawberries or banana to make it more delicious. This bowl of goodness will provide you with 1-2 grams of soluble fiber.
It is suggested that an individual should get at least 20-35 grams of fiber daily.
Choose Barley and beans – adding barley and beans to your diet helps in to reducing cholesterol levels. Both, barley and beans contain the right amount of soluble fiber, which helps in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. As you feel fuller after consuming this chances of snacking out during the reduce, thereby, your food intake goes down.
Limit your intake of meat and poultry – it is important for you to limit the consumption of meat and poultry. The total intake of such food items should not be more than 110 gms per day. As an alternative, you could choose to consume omega-3 rich fish like salmon or white meat such as chicken. Try to not have it more than twice a week for reducing your levels of cholesterol. If you are trying to bring your LDL (bad cholesterol) level down,  then adding fish to your diet will help. Avoid eating red meat such as beef, pork, and lamb.
Eat a vegetarian protein-rich diet – A vegetarian  protein-rich diet includes lentils, peas, and beans. They can do wonders in reducing the cholesterol levels in your body. They are full of nutritional benefits and are very healthy. They are also a brilliant alternative to red meat. Legumes help to reduce not only cholesterol levels, but they also treat blood sugar and insulin levels.
Avoid eating trans fats – Trans fats are unsaturated fats which have been modified in the process named as hydrogenation. Items like vegetable oil, margarine, pastries, and cookies contains a considerable amount of trans fats. If you have high cholesterol levels, you should immediately stop consuming these range of products.
Do regular exercise – doing regular exercise helps to reduce cholesterol. It also helps to promote the build-up of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) which is termed as the “good” cholesterol and therefore curbing the level of “bad” cholesterol significantly. Doing 15-20 minutes of regular exercise which can be an as simple activity like walking will majorly help you in the long run.
Lose excess weight – there is an optimal weight count for individuals of all ages. You need to be within that range so that the undesired cholesterol levels do not affect you too much. Excess fat and weight will increase the level of cholesterol in the body over a long period. Therefore, to prevent this from happening, you will need to make sure that you work out to lose the excess weight you are carrying. Thus, promoting the level of high-density lipoprotein.
So work on your diet, watch your weight, be physically active and lower your cholesterol levels naturally!

Stay healthy, stay fit, stay happy 🙂!
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Friday 25 October 2019

Fitness tips for people in their 50s, 60s, and 70s

Many “do’s and don’ts have been written and rewritten in recent times. One of them is to look younger and fitter than the actual age of being in the 50s, 60s, or 70s. The idea is to stay young, feel young, and not surrender to aging. The attempt to stay fit and healthy in the 50s has to start 10 years prior to you reaching that age.
In the 50s, the body might not be able to perform certain strenuous exercises and therefore several fitness solutions need to be worked around for people of this age. Given below are some tips for people who are in or above the 50s and what all they should try and do to remain fit and mobile.
Which activities will help?
     ·    Physical activity – actually, at this age, any form of physical activity is beneficial. Every bit of           activity counts and you need to make sure that you carry it out regularly. Make it a habit. You             can indulge in any physical activity such as running, walking, or swimming – but make sure               that it is done regularly. Doing household chores also counts.
  • Listen to your body – it is essential that you listen to your body and understand how you are feeling. Do not immediately start your day with rigorous exercise or physical activity. It could be dangerous. At this age, you should not push your body to extreme lengths. Allow your body to tell you how much you can comfortably work out.  Increase your level gradually at an easy pace.

  • Stay focused – if you do not feel focused and motivated to exercise and engage in physical activities, then make a group of friends with whom you can go for a walk or to the gym together. Caring for each other will create a bond of friendship – which will take away the feeling of loneliness from the equation. Almost certainly at least one member of the group will keep the rest motivated for regular walks or workouts.
  • Drink plenty of fluids – you must drink plenty of fluids when you are going to engage in physical activities at this age or any age for that matter. If not kept well-hydrated, your body will become dehydrated, thereby, leading to lethargy and dizziness.  it is essential to prevent this from happening and that is why one must drink normal water, coconut water, fresh fruit or vegetable juice, this will restore the energy and other minerals imbalance that might occur. Drink in moderation and in case you have any medical issues, consult the doctor prior to mixing any concoctions that might be harmful in the long run.
  • Keep an eye on the weather – people who are old are much more vulnerable than younger people to climatic changes. Changes in temperature, cold weather, or extreme heat can take a severe toll on your health. So it is crucial that you go out for a work out on an apt day.
  • Eat Right – by the time you are in your 50s; doctors might advise you to stay away from a host of fruits, vegetables, and impose other dietary restrictions. Therefore it is essential to eat less and eat right. Stick to what has been prescribed. You might want to cheat, that’s okay once in a while as long as it doesn’t become fatal.  Your medical report card should always show you are healthy.
  • Sleep Tight – with growing age, sleeping patterns often become a casualty. Try to get at least 6-7 hours of sleep. Enforce yourself to sleep well for your well being the next day.
  • Keep Stress at Bay – When you are in this age bracket, you might have many reasons worry and stress about. Allowing stress to build up is certainly not a healthy choice. Try to keep stress at bay – by playing with your pet, going for a walk with loved ones, meditating, or any activity that allows you to relax. Mental health can have a positive impact on the entire physical health.
Take it as a challenge to stay fit and fine no matter what your physical age is. You motivating yourself could set an example for youngsters to make life choices on the healthier side!

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Thursday 24 October 2019

9 things that happen to your body when you start a new running workout

Regular exercise offers a range of health benefits which also promotes creative thinking and boosts the self-image. Running is the best form of exercise that not only tones the body but also improves heart health. If you are looking to start running a workout, you should expect a lot of sweat and losing weight. But, it does more to your body and mind. You may take 10-12 minutes to complete a mile, but that will offer you a range of benefits instantly. Kelly Pardiwala, the leading Jamaican fitness trainer, highlights what happens to the body when you start a new running workout. Let’s check them out.
All that happens to you when you begin a running workout
1 You feel more energized and active. You will have more energy and start feeling the need to run in the morning. Dawn Hood, a studio manager, has to say the same thing.
2 You resort to a healthier diet for you are more concerned about the running performance. Eating and food options we adopt have a lot of impact on our workout performance. If you eat junk food, you won’t have the energy to complete your running workout. Thus, you think of eating healthy.
3 There will come a time sooner when you start appreciating yoga and stretching exercises. Regular stretching and morning yoga sessions can prevent an injury and improve your health. Slowly and gradually, you will become an efficient runner.
4 You may start signing up for expensive races and spending more money. So, the new running workout may make you spendthrift. Then, you may spend on running shoes, socks and become more brand-conscious as seen in many.
5 If you have been playing tennis, you will see that the running workout improves tennis game. As running improves strength, endurance, and cardiovascular health, you will notice an improvement in a tennis game.
6 You will notice an improvement in self-esteem for regular running improves your fitness level and gives a boost to the self-image. Running is more important for women for they feel negative about their bodies.
7 Running improves cognitive functioning and makes you more alert. Moreover, even a single session may improve brain health. It enhances the activity of the prefrontal cortex as apparent through the research.
8 When you have a better outlook on life, it also improves mood. Running workout prevents the release of stress hormones and boosts the level of chemicals like serotonin and dopamine.
9 Running workout makes you less susceptible to falling sick for it can improve the immunity system. It can boost neurotransmitters to reduce stress, improve the mood and fight out depression.
It is necessary not to overdo running. Starting a new running workout can benefit you in multiple ways as stated above.

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Wednesday 23 October 2019

Yoga as a form of meditation

Yoga has emerged as one of the most common ways which people have adopted in order to find harmony the way they live. Yoga isn’t just about performing poses, it is a lifestyle. And there are powerful and eminent practitioners of yoga who have made it popular. According to the Ashtanga school of yoga, the first part of attaining salvation is by preparing the body to sit for long hours without losing concentration at the later stages.
When this is achieved effectively, one can quickly sit for hours together for meditation which is known to have a lot of benefits both on the mind and the body. Those who are into drugs, alcohol or any other addictions can find Yoga as one of the means to help them recover gradually.
§  Posture teach you to concentrate
When you are performing the Yoga asanas you would be concentrating completely on breathing and with this comes concentration. Your mind would be free of unwanted thoughts and once you are done with the practice you would feel completely lighter both in the body and mind. Hence, Yoga can aid in meditation.
§  Yoga makes you focus only on one thing
If you are practicing Suryanamaskara, you would be chanting the hymns that are associated with the Sun God and with every pose you perform you would be focusing on different sounds. Each and every sound that comes out when you are performing Suryanamaskara can take you to a state of trance and this is nothing but meditational.

§  Pranayama increases concentration
Pranayama or breathing techniques play a huge role when it comes to Yoga. There are different kinds of Pranayama techniques and each one of them is known to have a lot of benefits. Regulating the breath and keeping a constant focus on the way you breathe requires a lot of concentration and as you perform Pranayama regularly you would be awakening the various chakras in the body that are responsible for energy accumulation.
§  Shavasana relaxes the body, the mind
A lot of people feel that Shavasana is one of the easiest of all the poses but, this is one pose that requires a lot of concentration. After all the tedious poses, it is mandatory to calm and relax all the muscles of the body and this would be done efficiently only when Shavasana is done the right way. The chanting of Aum while in Shavasana will bring positive vibrations in the body and this is nothing but meditational.
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Monday 21 October 2019

10 Wonderful Benefits Of Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe vera is one of the most beneficial natural ingredients that can provide you with a wide range of health benefits. Drinking Aloe vera juice has shown signs of better fitness and a healthy lifestyle.
Have a look at these 10 amazing benefits of Aloe vera juice.
  • Hydration – Aloe vera has a high water content and so, its consumption helps to keep the body hydrated. It also helps flush out the toxins from the body and as a result, prevents fatigue, nausea and general lethargy. During summers, drinking a glass of Aloe vera juice before stepping out, keeps you hydrated for a longer time.
  • Reduces inflammation – Aloe vera has excellent anti-inflammatory properties. Gibberellin is a hormone present in the plant which fights inflammation. As a result, Aloe vera juice could help treat irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Recover from constipation – Drinking Aloe vera juice can relieve you from constipation or bowel movement disorder. Due to a high water content in the intestines, the juice eases the movement of the bowel, thereby making it somewhat regular.
  • Improves Liver function – Aloe vera is one of the best natural detoxifying agents. Aloe vera juice helps keep the liver hydrated and at the same time detoxifies it by flushing out the toxins. Thus, it allows the organ to function more effectively.
  • Improves heart health – Aloe vera can be useful in keeping your cardiovascular health on the upside. It has been clinically found that Aloe vera juice can help decrease cholesterol levels and combats atherosclerosis.
  • Alkalinity – Aloe vera juice helps keep the body fluids balanced, which prevents the breeding of different diseases in the metabolic system. A body with an acidic pH level is vulnerable to various diseases.
  • Boosts the immune system – If you drink Aloe vera juice regularly, then it will surely give a boost to the immune system. It improves overall well-being. Aloe vera stimulates the cellular and humoral immunity.
  • Controls blood sugar levels – High levels of blood sugar can prove to be harmful to the body. But Aloe vera contains chromium, magnesium, zinc, and manganese, all of which can effectively help keep the blood sugar levels under control.
  • Improves oral health – Even though many people neglect it, oral hygiene is essential and the cause of several illnesses. Aloe vera can effectively help maintain good oral health by eliminating the bacteria present in the buccal cavity. It works as a brilliant mouthwash and flushes out most of the plaque and gingivitis.

  • Treats heartburn – Aloe vera juice is proven to treat heartburn more efficiently than any other medicines. The extract reduces the symptoms of acid reflux, and within a few hours provides long-lasting relief.
  • Skin burn – Aloe vera gel can provide instant relief to small burns.  It assists in the quicker-than-normal regeneration of the skin that got burnt.
Aloe vera juice is slightly bitter and at times insipid in taste, however, when combined with
fruit, it helps cut the bitterness. So the next time you visit your general store or pharmacy, don’t forget to bring home a bottle of Aloe vera juice.  If you have time, you could make a glass of the extract at home as well! Just be sure to wash the Aloe vera leaf well before you begin extracting the gel to make the juice.
Aloe vera is like an elixir with so many beneficial ingredients occurring naturally in the plant! It is a definitely recommended try.

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Friday 18 October 2019

Healthy skin with right nutrients

Skin is the most sensitive organ of the human body. So exposure to constant sun rays, dry air, sweat, dust particles, or harmful chemicals can cause a lot of damage to it. Such exposure can cause freckles, rashes, allergies, scars, pigmentation, and dullness. Your skin can also age prematurely. It is not enough to keep your skin clean and moisturized. To have healthy skin, it is crucial that you switch to a diet that nourishes the skin with proper nutrients and minerals. Let your skin feel healthy from inside. We have listed a few food items which are known to make the skin beautiful and get you all the wow looks.

Skin Nourishment with the Right Kind of Food

Next time, when you work on your food chart, do include these items for healthy skin.
1.       Fatty Fish: Try and incorporate oily fish in your daily diet. Fatty fishes contain Omega 3 and other fatty acids, and Vitamin E, which help in making skin look soft and supple. They act as natural moisturizers and prevent premature aging of the skin.
2.       Walnuts: Walnuts again are rich sources of fatty acids (Omega 3 and Omega 6), which helps the skin to contain moisture and repairs dry skin. It is also known to protect the skin from hostile Ultraviolet (UV) rays.
3.       Avocados: Avocados have high healthy fat content, which is essential to maintain the natural glow of the skin. Avocados are a good source of Vitamin E, which protects the skin. Research suggests that this fruit contains elements that prevent damage caused by exposure to sunlight.
4.       Sweet Potatoes: If you have dry and dull skin, try having sweet potatoes regularly. Sweet potatoes are rich in Vitamin A and which makes the skin supple and glowing. Consuming them also create a layer of natural sunscreen and protects your skin against the harmful ultraviolet rays.
5.       Olive Oil: A rich source of Vitamin E, consuming Olive oil helps in flushing out toxins. There are research reports which state that olive oil can also reduce the chances of skin cancer.
6.       Tomatoes: A staple in the kitchen and can be part of cooked meals as well as salads, consumption of tomatoes can add Vitamin C and carotenoids to your body. These contents prevent skin wrinkles and guards against sunburn.
7.       Green tea: Green tea has a polyphenol, which has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. This element helps the skin to fight against harmful sun radiation, sunburn, rashes, and skin cancer.
8.       Carrot: Not to be over-consumed, carrots have beta-carotene, which averts cell and DNA damage. So have carrots in limited quantities to enjoy the benefits.
9.       Papaya: Another readily available item in the market, papaya intake improves digestion and bowel movement, which in the process flushes out toxins. Consuming papayas helps in acne control and pigmentation.
10.   Sunflower Seeds: Some flower love for healthy skin. Sunflower seeds are rich in Vitamin E, which has proven to be an excellent skin-boosting nutrient. The intake of these helps in beautiful, unique skin pigmentation. Besides, sunflower seeds also contain beneficial antioxidants that help to prevent skin cancer.

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Thursday 17 October 2019

Basic beauty tips that you must follow

For a lovely, splendid and flawless skin tone, you need to upgrade your beauty regimen quite frequently. Different kinds of skin have different needs, and their necessities also differ. Try and understand your skin type and then adopt a beauty regimen.
Your skin may be oily, dry, combination or problem-prone. The inconveniences posed by oily skin are too many, and so you need to deal with it accordingly. Again, dry skin is the source of pain and agony. Dry skin is not easy to handle. It can make you unattractive to a great extent. Combination skin may again be awful for it lets you experience the drawback of both oily and dry skin. So, here are the beauty tips for you to follow.
Beauty tips to follow for oily skin
Maintain good eating regimen and avoid fried foods and oily stuff. Consume veggies, fruits and apply natural products to tighten the pores. To keep skin breakouts under control, you should frequently clean your face.
What to do when you have dry skin?

After the shower, you should apply a moisturizing lotion and then wipe the face with a soft towel. If you have both dry and oily skin combination, choose appropriate skincare products. See how your skin responds to the changing weather.

Whether you have oily skin, dry or combination skin, it is really essential to clean the skin. Expel dead cells and make sure the skin pores are utterly closed so that it does not attract soil and grime from the earth. So, follow the below-mentioned basic beauty tips:

    • To maintain glowing skin, don’t forget to clean and purify the skin. When you are outside, your skin is exposed to smoke and contamination that needs to be purged. For this, choose proper facial covers and lotions.
    • Expel dead skin cells by following a peeling regime. Dispose of dead skin cells totally by peeling.
    • Cleaning has to be done as many times as demanded by the skin.
    • Conditioning is a part of skin purifying. To get rid of the earth, oil and garbage of the environment, use a good quality toner.
    • Start your day with a glass of lemon water which is rich in Vitamin C. Watch eating habits and make sure it is vitamin-rich. Avoid eating fatty food and incorporate egg yolks, shells and non-fat foods in your diet. Eat a lot of papaya, carrots, watermelon if you want flawless and bright skin.
    • Avoid being exposed to the rays of the sun
    • Make body scrub by crushing sugar and scour your entire body
    • Exercise every day and drink lots of water.
    • You can always make a skin mask at home by using stuff that suits your skin type. Apply them regularly. Take sufficient rest to see your skin glowing.
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