Wednesday 30 October 2019

How to tone the abs with crunches?

Stomach crunches can fabulously tone your core muscles and are the way to attaining washboard abs. You can achieve six-pack abs of your dreams only when you do things properly. The best part about crunches is that you may do that while watching television, listening to music. Although crunches may seem similar to sit-ups it is easier. If you are a beginner in stomach crunches, then you may do three crunches in each set. Be slow and let the abs do its work. Well, the ideal number would be doing 25 crunches in 3 sets if you are experienced in doing it.
Tips for toning the abs with crunches

Just doing stomach crunches will not tone your abs. Compliment with other kinds of exercises and a balanced diet to tone your abs. Spot reduction is possible with several sets, but you have to stick to the regime to get a permanent result. There is no need to purchase abs exercise equipment for you can do crunches freely. It is also vital to hold the right posture while doing abs exercise. Breathe out and at the same time pull the belly button in. The moment your abs muscles are relaxed, tie a string around the waist while breathing out and pulling the belly button in. This will certainly narrow your waist and reduce the abs. Maintain the posture for 5-6 breaths, and then you release. After you have mastered your breathing and posture, you need not tie a string. This is the way to getting the best result from crunches.

Why should you tone the abs?

There are various reasons why people tone their abs. When the core muscles are strong, it tends to stabilize the body and thereby improves posture and body balance. Your stomach will be flat while it also gives support to the spine. So, you won’t have a backache.

Steps to doing crunches properly

Here is how you can do stomach crunches properly. The steps are directly from the fitness expert Samuel Ronald:
  • Lie on the floor and bend your legs while the feet are flat on the floor.
  • Rest your hands on the back of the head. You may also cross the hands on the chest.
  • Lift the shoulder blades off from the ground while moving elbows towards the knees.
  • Now, squeeze the abs for 1-2 seconds
  • Return to the same starting position and breathe out when you raise your body. When lowering the body, breathe in.
It is vital to ensure that the movements are controlled and quite slow. It is the best way of getting good results from stomach crunches.

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