Friday 18 October 2019

Healthy skin with right nutrients

Skin is the most sensitive organ of the human body. So exposure to constant sun rays, dry air, sweat, dust particles, or harmful chemicals can cause a lot of damage to it. Such exposure can cause freckles, rashes, allergies, scars, pigmentation, and dullness. Your skin can also age prematurely. It is not enough to keep your skin clean and moisturized. To have healthy skin, it is crucial that you switch to a diet that nourishes the skin with proper nutrients and minerals. Let your skin feel healthy from inside. We have listed a few food items which are known to make the skin beautiful and get you all the wow looks.

Skin Nourishment with the Right Kind of Food

Next time, when you work on your food chart, do include these items for healthy skin.
1.       Fatty Fish: Try and incorporate oily fish in your daily diet. Fatty fishes contain Omega 3 and other fatty acids, and Vitamin E, which help in making skin look soft and supple. They act as natural moisturizers and prevent premature aging of the skin.
2.       Walnuts: Walnuts again are rich sources of fatty acids (Omega 3 and Omega 6), which helps the skin to contain moisture and repairs dry skin. It is also known to protect the skin from hostile Ultraviolet (UV) rays.
3.       Avocados: Avocados have high healthy fat content, which is essential to maintain the natural glow of the skin. Avocados are a good source of Vitamin E, which protects the skin. Research suggests that this fruit contains elements that prevent damage caused by exposure to sunlight.
4.       Sweet Potatoes: If you have dry and dull skin, try having sweet potatoes regularly. Sweet potatoes are rich in Vitamin A and which makes the skin supple and glowing. Consuming them also create a layer of natural sunscreen and protects your skin against the harmful ultraviolet rays.
5.       Olive Oil: A rich source of Vitamin E, consuming Olive oil helps in flushing out toxins. There are research reports which state that olive oil can also reduce the chances of skin cancer.
6.       Tomatoes: A staple in the kitchen and can be part of cooked meals as well as salads, consumption of tomatoes can add Vitamin C and carotenoids to your body. These contents prevent skin wrinkles and guards against sunburn.
7.       Green tea: Green tea has a polyphenol, which has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. This element helps the skin to fight against harmful sun radiation, sunburn, rashes, and skin cancer.
8.       Carrot: Not to be over-consumed, carrots have beta-carotene, which averts cell and DNA damage. So have carrots in limited quantities to enjoy the benefits.
9.       Papaya: Another readily available item in the market, papaya intake improves digestion and bowel movement, which in the process flushes out toxins. Consuming papayas helps in acne control and pigmentation.
10.   Sunflower Seeds: Some flower love for healthy skin. Sunflower seeds are rich in Vitamin E, which has proven to be an excellent skin-boosting nutrient. The intake of these helps in beautiful, unique skin pigmentation. Besides, sunflower seeds also contain beneficial antioxidants that help to prevent skin cancer.

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