Wednesday 30 October 2019

15 best workouts for people who hate exercise

Do you somehow feel that you are allergic to gym and gym equipment? If the very thought of lifting weight or running makes your arms and legs ache, try out 15 best workouts given in this section.
According to Joe Kekoanui, a sports trainer, you should do something that you enjoy. If you like gardening, then just do that to tone up your body. Since everyone’s need is different, you should not try and copy your friend or follow his workout regime.
Walking to burn calories
A beginner who dreads the very thought of exercising in the gym must start from walking. Walking puts no strain on the joints. Forty-five minutes of regular walking not only burns calories but also builds your cardiovascular endurance. It won’t cost you anything and may be done wherever you want.

Biking can tone up the leg muscles
As you use leg muscles when riding a bike, you should move out on a bike. Depending on the difficulty of the terrain, you will burn calories in the process.
Yoga for many benefits
Yoga in the morning will keep you active throughout the day. It also promotes body flexibility and improves the range of motion, improves posture and develops the core strength.
Swimming as pastime
Many people love to swim and consider it their hobby. Swimming puts the least amount of stress on the joints. It again burns calories while building cardiovascular strength.
Hiking improves the heart rate
Hiking improves cardiovascular health, tones the leg muscles and helps to reduce weight. Depending on the terrain, hiking can be a high impact or low impact.
Golf, the favorite group sports
It is not necessary to work out in a gym when you can join your friends and indulge in golf. The group sport is the favorite of many for it benefits health and is a fun sport.
Tai Chi – the way to socialize 
If you don’t know much about Tai Chi, try and take a few classes. The amazing martial art and exercise balance the mind and body. By taking classes, you can also socialize.
Rowing to burn calories
Rowing improves heart health, burns calories and improves upper body strength.
Mermaiding classes
For a full body workout, indulge in mermaid-ing. A fitness expert Christine Dustin has a lot to say about its positive effects.
Facial exercises
If you are not exercising, lying on your couch, then do facial exercise to tone up facial muscles.
Ballroom dancing for couples
Not only can couples bond better with ballroom dancing but also the activity works out the body.
Other exercises you can do

  • Organize a dance party every weekend
  • Planking at home
  • Stretching exercises at home for fun
  • Playing with the pet

Staying active is the best way to exercise the body. Try out the 15 exercises as mentioned above as per your area of interest.
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