Friday 25 October 2019

Fitness tips for people in their 50s, 60s, and 70s

Many “do’s and don’ts have been written and rewritten in recent times. One of them is to look younger and fitter than the actual age of being in the 50s, 60s, or 70s. The idea is to stay young, feel young, and not surrender to aging. The attempt to stay fit and healthy in the 50s has to start 10 years prior to you reaching that age.
In the 50s, the body might not be able to perform certain strenuous exercises and therefore several fitness solutions need to be worked around for people of this age. Given below are some tips for people who are in or above the 50s and what all they should try and do to remain fit and mobile.
Which activities will help?
     ·    Physical activity – actually, at this age, any form of physical activity is beneficial. Every bit of           activity counts and you need to make sure that you carry it out regularly. Make it a habit. You             can indulge in any physical activity such as running, walking, or swimming – but make sure               that it is done regularly. Doing household chores also counts.
  • Listen to your body – it is essential that you listen to your body and understand how you are feeling. Do not immediately start your day with rigorous exercise or physical activity. It could be dangerous. At this age, you should not push your body to extreme lengths. Allow your body to tell you how much you can comfortably work out.  Increase your level gradually at an easy pace.

  • Stay focused – if you do not feel focused and motivated to exercise and engage in physical activities, then make a group of friends with whom you can go for a walk or to the gym together. Caring for each other will create a bond of friendship – which will take away the feeling of loneliness from the equation. Almost certainly at least one member of the group will keep the rest motivated for regular walks or workouts.
  • Drink plenty of fluids – you must drink plenty of fluids when you are going to engage in physical activities at this age or any age for that matter. If not kept well-hydrated, your body will become dehydrated, thereby, leading to lethargy and dizziness.  it is essential to prevent this from happening and that is why one must drink normal water, coconut water, fresh fruit or vegetable juice, this will restore the energy and other minerals imbalance that might occur. Drink in moderation and in case you have any medical issues, consult the doctor prior to mixing any concoctions that might be harmful in the long run.
  • Keep an eye on the weather – people who are old are much more vulnerable than younger people to climatic changes. Changes in temperature, cold weather, or extreme heat can take a severe toll on your health. So it is crucial that you go out for a work out on an apt day.
  • Eat Right – by the time you are in your 50s; doctors might advise you to stay away from a host of fruits, vegetables, and impose other dietary restrictions. Therefore it is essential to eat less and eat right. Stick to what has been prescribed. You might want to cheat, that’s okay once in a while as long as it doesn’t become fatal.  Your medical report card should always show you are healthy.
  • Sleep Tight – with growing age, sleeping patterns often become a casualty. Try to get at least 6-7 hours of sleep. Enforce yourself to sleep well for your well being the next day.
  • Keep Stress at Bay – When you are in this age bracket, you might have many reasons worry and stress about. Allowing stress to build up is certainly not a healthy choice. Try to keep stress at bay – by playing with your pet, going for a walk with loved ones, meditating, or any activity that allows you to relax. Mental health can have a positive impact on the entire physical health.
Take it as a challenge to stay fit and fine no matter what your physical age is. You motivating yourself could set an example for youngsters to make life choices on the healthier side!

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