Thursday 31 October 2019

How to stop nail biting

Nail-biting is a serious and common issue affecting our lives. Lots of children and teenagers engage in this problem and many people carry on with it right into adulthood.

It’s a psychological phenomenon that takes place when someone is anxious or tensed about something and is feeling restless.

People also tend to bite their nails when they are weary, impatient, hungry and feeling insecure. It is an involuntary thing that people do without realizing what they are up to.

Biting can make your nails look abnormal as the constant biting can damage the tissue and the nails will stop growing in a natural manner. Your teeth can be chipped or broken with nail-biting that will spoil your smile and in worst cases, your jaw could be broken.

You can also fall ill with nail-biting. This is because hands are a breeding ground for germs and bacteria. When you repeatedly put your fingers in your mouth, it can make you sick.

Here are some ways that can help you stop this bad habit.

Keep your nails short. Long nails can be tempting for a habitual nail biter. When your nails are trimmed, the urge to bite will become less.

Paint some nail polish on your nails. Certain nail polishes have a strong smell and bad taste which when applied to your nails will stop you from chewing your nails.
Keep going in for manicures. When your nails have been expertly beautified in expensive salons it will give you a reason to keep your nails looking good and you will not want to spoil the look by biting at your nails.

Wearing gloves is also a good idea for those who simply can’t kick the habit. If at times you feel you can’t wear them then you can use stickers on your nails which can help you drop the habit.

Finding the reasons behind the habit. If you can identify what are the trigger factors, and how you feel and what exactly are you doing when biting your nails, you will realize what compels you to bite and can help yourself with alternative therapies.

Keep your hands and mouth occupied. There should be ways to keep you busy such as stress balls or worry stones or maybe even a pen to click. Chewing some gum will keep you busy and take your attention from nail-biting elsewhere.

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