Thursday 24 October 2019

9 things that happen to your body when you start a new running workout

Regular exercise offers a range of health benefits which also promotes creative thinking and boosts the self-image. Running is the best form of exercise that not only tones the body but also improves heart health. If you are looking to start running a workout, you should expect a lot of sweat and losing weight. But, it does more to your body and mind. You may take 10-12 minutes to complete a mile, but that will offer you a range of benefits instantly. Kelly Pardiwala, the leading Jamaican fitness trainer, highlights what happens to the body when you start a new running workout. Let’s check them out.
All that happens to you when you begin a running workout
1 You feel more energized and active. You will have more energy and start feeling the need to run in the morning. Dawn Hood, a studio manager, has to say the same thing.
2 You resort to a healthier diet for you are more concerned about the running performance. Eating and food options we adopt have a lot of impact on our workout performance. If you eat junk food, you won’t have the energy to complete your running workout. Thus, you think of eating healthy.
3 There will come a time sooner when you start appreciating yoga and stretching exercises. Regular stretching and morning yoga sessions can prevent an injury and improve your health. Slowly and gradually, you will become an efficient runner.
4 You may start signing up for expensive races and spending more money. So, the new running workout may make you spendthrift. Then, you may spend on running shoes, socks and become more brand-conscious as seen in many.
5 If you have been playing tennis, you will see that the running workout improves tennis game. As running improves strength, endurance, and cardiovascular health, you will notice an improvement in a tennis game.
6 You will notice an improvement in self-esteem for regular running improves your fitness level and gives a boost to the self-image. Running is more important for women for they feel negative about their bodies.
7 Running improves cognitive functioning and makes you more alert. Moreover, even a single session may improve brain health. It enhances the activity of the prefrontal cortex as apparent through the research.
8 When you have a better outlook on life, it also improves mood. Running workout prevents the release of stress hormones and boosts the level of chemicals like serotonin and dopamine.
9 Running workout makes you less susceptible to falling sick for it can improve the immunity system. It can boost neurotransmitters to reduce stress, improve the mood and fight out depression.
It is necessary not to overdo running. Starting a new running workout can benefit you in multiple ways as stated above.

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