Tuesday 19 November 2019

Is it good to skip breakfast when you want to lose weight?

Breakfast is the most significant meal which keeps you energetic for the whole day. If you are in the process of losing weight, then you should instead make smart food choices rather than completely skipping breakfast. It’s just an illusion that skipping breakfast can slim you down. Rather than avoiding breakfast, you may substitute refined carbs for healthier food options and load your plate with complex fibers.

Earl Mindell, a renowned dietician, and nutritionist suggest the consumption of fewer meals throughout the day and never to skip breakfast.

Make a proper breakfast plan depending on your schedule, food choices and the entire meal plan of the day. It might seem easier to lose weight by skipping breakfast, but for many people, this does not work. Indeed, by skipping breakfast, you are actually avoiding weight loss benefits which you would otherwise get from breakfast.

Calorie-restricted breakfast can help to lose weight better

Include calorie-restricted items to your breakfast diet plan and consume them daily. This helps to avoid late-morning hunger pangs that make people so uncomfortable. It is seen that people who avoid breakfast actually consume more calories and junk food in the evening, during the latter part of the day. They end up taking dinner in a fast-food restaurant.

The items they consume are saturated with starch and are very high in calories.

Portion control achievable with breakfast and eating at regular intervals 

Your breakfast has to be a modest meal of the day while you may eat small meals throughout the day. This helps to avoid hunger pangs, keeps you energetic and facilitates portion control. To lose weight, you may eat smaller meals for portion control. This will also help you with weight management. Eating a healthy breakfast prevents the chance of over-eating during lunch and dinner time.

A healthy breakfast keeps you comfortable all throughout the day

Include whole-grains and lean protein in your breakfast to feel fuller and more comfortable during the day. As proteins take a long time to digest, you feel fuller for the day. This again reinforces your weight loss efforts. Fiber-rich food also helps to maintain a healthy blood sugar level.

To lose weight, you have to work out for at least 3-4 times a week. A healthy diet devoid of fat content can also improve your workout results. But, it is essential to watch the portion of the food you eat. Keep a check of the calories. If you eat a fiber-rich breakfast, you can never over-eat during lunch and dinner hours.

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