Tuesday 26 November 2019

What to do when you have milk allergy? Know the various treatment options.

Milk allergy is a common food allergy that results from an abnormal response of the body’s immunity system to lactose-based food items. It is mostly cow’s milk that leads to an abnormal response, but at times the milk of buffalo, goats, and sheep might also lead to a reaction. The signs and symptoms of milk allergy last for a few hours after milk consumption. If you are allergic to cow’s milk, the immune system may also react to soy milk. The symptoms of allergy vary from person to person.

The various causes of milk allergy

Every food allergy results from immunity malfunction. As the immune system identifies some of the milk protein to be harmful, it triggers the production of Immunoglobulin E (IgE) Antibodies that tend to neutralize the allergen. So, the next time you intake these proteins, your immunity system releases a range of chemicals and histamine leading to allergic reactions. IgE antibodies recognize these proteins and allergens in the body. Cow’s milk has Whey and Casein that triggers allergic reactions. Casein is present in curd or solid milk that cuddles. Whey is present in the liquid part of milk.

The various symptoms of milk allergy

To treat allergy, you should avoid food allergy. The person who is allergic to milk product will show the following symptoms just after consuming milk and dairy products:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Skin rashes and skin eruptions
  • Throw up
  • Wheezing
  • Diarrhea
  • Stomach cramps
  • Runny nose and watery eyes
  • Infant Colic
  • Anaphylaxis is a severe medical emergency that leads to the narrowing or blocking of airways.
Depending on the severity of the allergic reaction, a person shows the symptoms. Here is what can do next:
  • Get to know the signs and symptoms of milk allergy
  • Undergo physical examination
  • Maintain a diary to write down the food you consume
  • Discuss out your concerns with the doctor
  • Eliminate milk from the diet

Tests you need to undergo
  • A skin test is a test where a certain portion of the skin is exposed to milk protein. There will be a hive or raised bump if you are allergic
  • A blood test is done to measure the extent of allergy

Treatment options

  • Antihistamines may be administered to reduce the symptoms
  • Injecting epinephrine can give quick relief
  • Complete abstinence from dairy product
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