Friday 15 November 2019

What are net carbs and how to calculate it?

Net carb is the total percentage of carbohydrate in any foodstuff minus the fiber content of it. Fiber is also a carbohydrate, but the body cannot digest that and so it does not raise the sugar level of blood. It is good to consume a low-carb diet if you are trying to reduce weight. Experts say that by sticking to a low-carb diet, you may reap glorious benefits in your path to getting slim. Betsy Opyt, a leading dietician, states that simple carbohydrate and simple sugar are easily digested to cause a spike in sugar level. As they are constituted of short and simple molecular structures, they are broken down and absorbed by the body quite quickly. So, it is better to consume complex carbohydrates that are difficult to breakdown. Examples of complex carbs are green veggies, fruits, whole grains, and legumes.

To stay fuller for a long time, fill your plate with complex carbs. Here are the benefits:

  • You feel energetic for the whole day
  • You sleep better getting rid of insomnia
  • It boosts cognitive and brain functioning
  • Brings down the risk of heart ailments
  • No chance of mood swing

Important facts on net carbs

  • If you follow the popular Atkins Diet, then you need to calculate net carbs frequently.
  • Net carb is the total amount of carbohydrate in the food minus sugar alcohol and the fiber content
  • It properly displays carbohydrate content you consume that will impact your blood sugar level. Thus, it is must to calculate net carbs when you are on Atkins diet
  • Nutrient-dense veggies and fruits lower in glycemic content carry less of net carb. Their consumption doesn’t interfere with weight loss
How to calculate?

Check the food label to calculate net carbs in your diet. The formula for calculating net carb is stated below:

Net carbs = the sum total of carbohydrates in the food – sugar alcohols – fiber

Note: Sugar alcohols may or may not be applicable.

Since the food label for fruits and veggies is not there, it is easy to calculate net carb. Your dietician may help in portioning food or tracking the carbohydrate that impacts the blood sugar level.

Atkins Science is also a favorite way to calculate Net Carb in the diet. While using Atkin shakes, Atkin bars and related products, you may be sure of the net carb count as the glycemic impact has already been tested on the volunteers. The net carb count is based on the test result of the glycemic load.

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