Saturday 9 November 2019

New age parenting: Ideas for a 360 degree education

Parenting is one of the most challenging, stressful and demanding jobs on the planet. When it comes to dealing with their children, parents need to exercise caution. One of the most important values exhibited by parents is immense amounts of patience and perseverance. There are no specific books that teach parenting. Parents need to be physically and mentally present for their children. By doing so, they can help their child to develop a secure and confident individual. When parents experience happy or unhappy situations or guilt-ridden situations, they need to get a grip on their own emotions first. This way they can pass on the skill of responsibly reacting to situations to their child. In the chaotic and complicated society that we live in, the foremost job of any parent is to ensure that their kids grow up to be healthy, happy, confident and responsible. This has been largely overlooked by parents. Parents need to look inwards, transform their own behavior and then inculcate the right values in their child.

Discipline Begins with Adults, then Children

A parent cannot expect his or her child to be disciplined if they live out their lives in a manner that shows them in a poor light. A child looks up to his or her parents. When they see their parents behaving badly they quickly learn to follow suit. This means that despite sometimes difficult situations, a parent has to make the effort of being graceful and display courage and endurance.

Move Beyond Punishment-and-Reward Systems of Parenting

The old dual method of severely punishing the child for a bad deed and rewarding for a good deed is now proving to be obsolete. Children need to be loved unconditionally regardless of what they do or how they behave.

Parent’s Words are Important

How do you talk to your child? The way parents communicate with their children or for that matter do not communicate many leaves a lasting impression on the child’s mind.

Children Need a Showering of Unconditional Loving Guidance

Parents need to understand that Children need to be loved unconditionally. They need to love the child even if he or she has made mistakes. If a child feels he or she is not being loved enough, he will grow up to be an insecure individual.

Your child, just like his or her parents learns from mistakes

It’s natural for anyone to make mistakes. Children also learn about life from the mistakes they make.

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