Monday 25 November 2019

Planning a Weight loss diet? These are your options

Most of us have different agendas when it comes to dieting – some of us want to diet ahead of a wedding to slip on to that beautiful designer dress, some genuinely believe it’s high time to shed some kilos, some just want to show off a slimmer body.

Like our agendas, the planning, diet way and tips vary. The easiest route is going online, some try to get the hack from friends, colleagues or relatives. The more serious ones register with a dietician. Some immediately cut the carbs and set on their journey to crash diet.

If you have been thinking of losing some pounds, we suggest you start analyzing a few things first – your body type, age, food habits, and lifestyle. And of course, then work on a timeline on how quickly you want to shed your kilos. One advice here – do not be too harsh on your body and always opt for the gradual route and the healthy way.

Here are a few options for you which you can try, after having analyzed the above questions –

The Indian Vege Way – This a simple way to embrace dieting as most of us are used to eating Indian food. The way forward for this diet is – add lots of greens (source of minerals, vitamins, iron, and folate) to your plate, in both cooked and raw form. Drink a glass of vegetable juice daily instead of fruit juice (more fibrous and less sugar content). Alternately use paneer/ tofu/ lentils for protein supply. Minimize the intake of rice, instead, opt for Rotis.

Paleo Diet – As Paleo represents the Palaeolithic period (2.5million to 10,000 years ago), the diet emphasizes meat, fish, fruit, vegetables, nuts, and seeds, in the simplest form. So drastic cut on processed foods. Eat things which you get from nature, without sugar, salt, and oils, or processed milk products or artificial additives.
Keto Diet – Keto or Ketogenic diet prescribes low carb and high-fat diet. With a dramatic carb cut, the diet puts the body in a metabolic state called ketosis. With less carb supply, the body is believed to efficiently burn fat.

Atkins Diet – This diet like Keto, prescribes a lesser intake of carbs. With the lesser intake of carbohydrates, the diet focuses on burning fat instead of sugar (carb). So you have to give up sugar, highly processed and low-fat food. Anything that is starchy like potatoes and high carb vegetables like carrots etc.

There are many more ways of dieting and it is always advisable to opt for the one which helps in gradual shedding of kilos. Also have your diet calendar sorted with cheat days, as we said don’t be too harsh on your body.

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