Friday 8 November 2019

Tips to Get Maximum Amount of Nutrients from Food

If you wish to stay healthy, it is essential to make sure that your body is getting a regular supply of all the vital nutrients. Whether it is Protein, Vitamins, or any other nutrients, the body needs a certain amount to function in an orderly manner. Else one develops a deficiency, which shows up with symptoms and without symptoms. One of the primary sources of these nutrients is the food that we consume. Food, which has the right kind of nutrients have to be consumed regularly. Some items we take interfere adversely with digestion and secretion. So stay away from such items, no matter how tempting they are.

To absorb the maximum nutrients, follow these simple tips –

Add Variety to the Plate: Include a variety of items like green vegetables, eggs, fish, chicken, and others to your daily meals. Make sure you include some of them at least to your lunch and dinner. This way, the body will get the regular supply of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, and other nutrients from a single meal.
Eat it the right way: Some simple mantras like cutting, soaking, chopping items help in processing complex nutrients. For, e.g., consume cut fruits and vegetables, soak rice, lentils, legumes and chop and crush onions, garlic, green leafy vegetables.

Pair Iron with Vitamin C Foods: To get the best benefit out of Vitamin C, make sure to pair it with those food items which are rich in Iron. For instance, you can try Oranges with nuts and seeds.
Healthy Fat is Essential: It is essential to make sure that you are feeding your body with healthy fat that would convert into energy. The body can utilize vitamins A, D, E, and K only with healthy fats. So add flaxseeds, olive oil, milk to your diet.

No Tea during Meal Times: Many of us have a habit of drinking tea during or after meals. Get rid of such a practice if you want to derive maximum nutrients out of the food. Tea doesn’t allow the body to absorb the nutrients from the food that you are consuming. Again, anything which has high caffeine content, such as Coffee or Soda, does not allow the body to absorb vitamins and minerals. So cut down on coffee and soda intake.

Say no to Alcohol: Reduce the intake of alcohol as it reduces digestive enzymes from the body. Alcohol is known to damage the stomach and intestine linings and therefore making it difficult to process the food.

Water is vital: The body’s digestive system is dependent on the level of hydration. Drinking sufficient water is essential not only to ease food digestion, and circulation of nutrients in the bloodstream but also to flush out toxins.

Bring down stress level: When you are highly stressed, the cortisol level is likely to shoot up, and that might intervene with the digestive process in an undesirable way. So, find out ways to reduce the stress level.

Apart from these, make sure that you stay away from junk and oily foods as much as possible for the simple reason that their nutritional value is less.

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