Thursday 7 November 2019

Tips to calm yourself when you are angry

Anger is something that can turn a person into a beast, make one do horrible things. People often tend to make decisions when they are angry, which they regret later on. Therefore, it is crucial for you to make sure that you have control over anger. Some people are short-tempered and tend to get angry quickly; apparently for no reason. They might calm down quite easily, but such manners can leave a negative impact on others.
On the other hand, there are those who might not get angry quite quickly; however, if they do, it can be tough to calm them down. In either case, anger is something that can have a severe effect on one’s right senses. Over time, your loved ones, colleagues, and acquaintances might start avoiding you because of your temperament. Therefore, why not work on ways to calm down while you are angry or about to get angry.

Things that can help you Calm down when you are Angry

Before one starts working on ways to manage anger, the person must identify the trigger points and should realize, anger management can take months to show results. No matter what the situation might be, it is imperative to calm yourself down, after an initial outburst. Sharing ten tips that might help in anger management:

Leave the Scene: This is one of the best things that you can do. Leave the scene and go for a brief walk. It will help you to calm down.
Take Deep Breaths: When you are angry take deep breathes which would help you to get rid of the negative energy stored in your body.

Reverse Count: This is a handy way of calming down. Whenever you are angry, start reverse counting from 20 to 1. By the time you have reached 1, you will realize that your anger has settled down a lot.

Yoga: This can help. Yoga is all about inhaling and exhaling, which allows our mind and body to relax and also keeps mind stress-free. The more relaxed you are, the less are the chances of you getting angry.
Distract Yourself: If you know the trigger points that shoot your temper, then try distracting yourself. Make sure to avoid the situation altogether.

Think about the Consequences: You should learn from your previous mistakes, and as a matured person, you should not commit the same mistakes. Think your social circle might have shrunk due to your outburst. That will help you stay calm.

Sharing might help: If you get outraged, you can share your emotions with someone you trust. Venting out can help you to drain your frustration. Also, your confidante might have a constructive suggestion to calm you down.

Do something you like: Whenever you feel angry, indulge yourself into something you love doing; like listening to music, going for a walk and others.

It’s “I,” and not them: Instead of holding others responsible for your bad mood, always know it is you who is getting annoyed. Change has to start within you controlling your emotions.
Write it Down: At times, writing down your reactions can help to calm your nerves and mind.

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