Saturday 16 November 2019

Top 10 super healthy foods for your kids

Does it seem like an endless loop of life to run after your kids trying to make them “clean” their plates? What if you could serve them healthy food that they might also actually like? There’s a dream come true. Here are 10 great foods that are super healthy and tasty to boot.

Milk: Milk is a great source of calcium, an absolute must for kids to help them grow healthy bones. Milk also has vitamin D and protein and should be a part of every child’s diet — unless they have a milk allergy.

Yogurt: Yogurt is a tasty and healthy food that your kids will love. Yogurt is a great source of calcium and contains probiotics, good bacteria important for maintaining a healthy gut.

Apples: Apples contain Vitamin C and an unpeeled whole one has about 5g of fiber. Don’t peel the apple, or the fruit loses about half its fiber.
Sweet potato: Sweet potatoes are a rich source of beta-carotene. They contain essential antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Sweet potato helps to prevent oxidative damage to your kid’s cells and promotes healing.

Fatty fish: Fish is a great source of protein, provides omega-3 essential fatty acids and many vitamins and minerals. Getting enough omega-3s has a positive effect on a child’s vision and cognitive development.

Daal: Lentils like daal are good sources of protein as well as iron. Iron helps red blood cells carry oxygen to cells throughout the body and plays a role in brain development.

Eggs: Eggs are a good source of protein, contain some iron and many other vitamins and minerals. Add an egg a day to your child’s diet and watch them grow. And kids love them, don’t they?

Nuts: Nuts are natural power-packs of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, healthy fats, protein, and fiber, which help children grow, develop and learn. While nuts might have a choking hazard for young kids. So, avoid until age four.

Dried fruits: Dried fruits are rich sources of fiber. They help maintain good gut health and prevent constipation in children. Dried fruits such as dates, raisins, figs, and prunes are also good sources of iron.

Beans: Beans are a humble superfood. They come loaded with protein and fiber. Buy canned beans, open, rinse to remove extra sodium and add to any dish.

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