Tuesday 17 December 2019

6 best ways to stop emotional eating

Emotion is a state of mind and how we deal with it has a lot to do with our physical and mental health. Numerous studies have thrown up that we tend to engage in emotional eating when under stress (personal, professional, financial or health concern). Not just negative emotions like some kind of void but even a happy state of mind can also trigger eating more than usual. Though not proved conclusively, women are more prone to emotional binging.

Eating under some kind of emotion can result in a lot of problems and one of them is obesity. To define in layman’s terms, emotional eating is a psychological disorder and most of them indulge in order to satisfy their emotional needs and not physical hunger. Food might easily calm down the mind but may result in serious damages later as they add to gaining unwanted calories which can complicate health.
To deal with emotional eating, we have listed 6 best ways to deal with it.

Be aware of the disorder– To deal with a problem, one has to be aware of it. Consult a general physician or a therapist. You can also share it with your loved ones. Accept that the issue is within you and then work your way to deal with it.

Handle your emotion– Once you have diagnosed the issue, now work to find a solution to it. Learn to deal with both positive and negative emotions. If the feeling void is triggering it, then pick up a hobby or meditate or write or travel or engage in some social work. Or can pick up a book to handle such a state of mind. At the end of the day, one should not feel as if they are unwanted, secluded, there is no meaning to life.
Change the way you eat– Switch to a healthy diet, so even if you are eating under some state of mind, you would munch something good. Make sure to chew your food slowly, as it slows the eating process and makes digestion easier.

Avoid TV, Mobile Phone– Or to put simply stay away from distractions. Don’t be a couch potato, use the dining table to have meals.  Mixing entertainment with food, might not be the best eating habit.

Do accept your cravings– Any plans to shun emotional eating cannot be implemented in a day or two. It requires a lot of patience and more than that you need to accept your state of mind and control it slowly.

Don’t quickly give up your binge – At times, people binge on chocolates and desserts to satisfy their emotional craving for food and this can’t be stopped at once. You need to gradually slow down to control binge eating. Else, the situation can become worse.

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