Thursday 5 December 2019

Good Eating Habits

How often do we keep hearing that we need to get our act right when it comes to our food habits? Or how many times have we made a New Year resolution to give up all junk food? Yes like any other life choice, eating right also takes discipline and gradual planning and lots of effort to say no to processed and greasy food. There are dozens of established research which tells us that healthy eating not only keeps one healthy but also keeps mental stress and anxiety at bay.

Practicing good eating habits along with certain physical activities should become part of the lifestyle. Our eating habits define both mental and physical health status. Here is a list of must-haves food habits, which you can kick start right away.
  • Never say no to breakfast
Breakfast is considered the first important meal of the day and eating a heavy breakfast is mandatory. Since this is the first meal of the day it is important to include all the necessary minerals, proteins, fats and carbs which can help you to stay active throughout the day.
  • Get your meal portions right
Depending on just three meals a day and filling the plate to maximum can make you unhealthy as there would be a lot of gaps between the meals. Hence, eating every 2-3 hours once can actually increase the metabolism rate of the body as well. So it is important to grab a bowl of fruits before you walk into your evening meeting.

  • Keep yourself hydrated
To stay active and energized, water intake is crucial. There is a lot of debate about how much water should an average person consume daily. Water ensures to flushes out all the harmful toxins from the body by increasing the metabolism rate. Ensure you fill your water bottles frequently to ensure you have gulped somewhere between 3.7 to 2.7 liters of water/ day.
  • Add color to your plate
Colorful veggies on the plate can not only be appealing to eyes but they also add the essential dose of vitamins, minerals, and fibers, which helps the body to function properly. So the color, the better.
  • Binge on egg whites
Egg whites are known sources of protein, so make it a habit to have them at least twice or thrice a week.
  • Consume a lot of cereals
Cereals are great sources of energy and a lot of people who are health conscious add cereals for breakfast. As cereals are filled with proteins, vitamins and essential minerals it would not only keep you full but it also gives the required amount of energy until the next meal.

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