Thursday 26 December 2019

10 basic principles of good parenting

Good parenting first and foremost requires a huge amount of responsibility. Simply watching your child grow is not enough. Being a good parent requires immense amounts of dedication, patience, and consistency. Every parent wants their child to grow up to be a happy and healthy individual. However, this means that parents have to play an important role in shaping and molding their child’s future. They are expected to ensure that the child grows up to be of sound body and mind. Good parenting allows the child to develop qualities such as kindness, empathy, self-reliance and one of a happy disposition.

Here are the basic guidelines which each parent must adhere to:

1. Your child learns from you.

How parents behave is keenly observed and followed by their children. Your actions and reactions to various situations in life matter to your child, and he or she will incorporate your methods of dealing, with myriad situations in their own life.

2. Too much love or affection can prove to be disastrous.

Parents who express excessive love by readily agreeing to the unwarranted demands of their child end up spoiling their children. A lenient attitude with the child will only result in him or her becoming a spoilt and self-centered human being, secure in the fact that their parents can provide them with anything and everything without the child having to put in any hard work.

3. Being there for your child

Parents need to understand that they have to be mentally and physically present in their child’s day to day life and the challenges he or she goes through. This means giving undivided attention, by prioritizing their responsibilities.

4. Age-appropriate parenting

Your child is growing day by day. His needs and demands will keep changing. Your behavior towards your child has to be in accordance with his or her age.

5. Deciding certain rules and regulations

It is important for parents to implement some rules for their children. Certain mannerisms need to be instilled in the child at a young and impressionable age. Doing so would prevent the child from developing a personality that creates huge problems for him or her at a later stage in life.

6. Encourage your child’s independence

The right balance of setting limits for your child and allowing them to be independent is of vital importance. As your child grows up, there should be lesser interference by the parent.

7. Being consistent

Children require to be dealt with in a careful manner. When parents make rules for their children they should be consciously made for them to follow on a daily basis. These have to be carefully devised in a manner that does not allow the child to revolt and rebel.

8. Extremely strict behavior by parents

When enforcing rules, parents should ensure not to hit or slap their children. This will only teach them to be physically violent and aggressive towards other people.

9. Rules need to be explained to children

Parents need to understand that an explanation of rules has to be done in a rather skillful manner. Usually, the quantum of explanation needs to be such that it is appropriate according to the age of the child. This means a smaller child will require lesser explanation and a bigger one may require more.

10. Give your child respect

Your child deserves to be treated with respect. A parent cannot expect to demand respect if they are rude and impolite with their children in day to day living.

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