Tuesday 24 December 2019

5 common parenting taboos

Parenting is not an easy journey. Right from pregnancy until the child is born and is raised to be an adult, parents have to go through a lot. The journey can have mixed experiences, some good and some bad. It is not easy to have the perfect parenting plan for your child. Every parent ends up making some mistake or the other.

Here are the common errors that parents must avoid:

  • Being under or over-involved in their lives.
  • There are different kinds of parents, one who gives a lot of time to their children and their needs.
  • Such parents are never strict even when need be and like to spoil their children with gifts and so on. This overindulgence can result in spoon-feeding and mollycoddling which is damaging for the child. It will only make him dependent and insecure as an adult.

There is another kind are who is never there for their children as they are too preoccupied with their own lives. This absence from the child’s life will again make the child feel lonely and insecure. Parents' behavior towards their children stems from their own life experiences and they tend to behave in the opposite manner with their children. Parents who labor under the false impression of actually knowing their child. There are parents who feel that they know and understand their child very well which may not be the case. What they do need to realize is that their child needs careful observation. Parents should watch how the personality of the child is shaping up and be active listeners instead of just hearing. Parents who feel that getting anxious about their child is fine enough. It not appropriate for parents to simply worry about their children but instead they need to have a concern. It is these concerns that will propel the parents in helping their children reach their goals. It will also help teach them the ways to handle various situations in life which will further help the children being independent and resilient beings.
Children, whose parents focus only on worry become socially withdrawn and have a host of emotional problems.

  • Having high or low expectations.
  • Parents should not label or compare their children with one another.
  • Each child has his or her own capabilities and good qualities.
  • When parents label their kids with different names, such as attractive or smart, the child feels he or she is only good at one thing and does not even attempt to excel in other facets of life.
  • Your children are inspired by you. When parents only end up looking after the children and not themselves, the child is bound to follow the same principle as he reaches adulthood.

He or she will follow the identical mannerisms of his or her parent and will also realize that adulthood is devoid of any pleasures.

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