Tuesday 10 December 2019

Busting myths about Keto diet

Losing weight is one of the most difficult challenges to attain. Many people have tried to do so and lost motivation in the process. They end up pushing themselves in the gym and do a lot of hard work. But physical work is not the only thing that helps in losing weight. Diet also plays a major role in losing weight. Many people are switching to a keto diet, which promises to burn fat quickly. It is believed to be quite effective. Keto has emerged as a fad diet. There are many myths associated with Keto –

Deficiency of nutrients in Keto diet
Some nutritionists are of the opinion that a keto diet does not have enough nutrients to help cells in the body to grow. But that is totally wrong. Keto diet remains the best nutrient-rich diet in the world.

Keto diet may affect the kidney
Due to the heavy reliance on proteins in the keto diet, people believe that the keto diet would be harmful to the kidney. This is completely incorrect. Keto diet emphasizes on low carb and high fat and not denser proteins. Also, normal functioning kidneys can process a high protein diet.

Dehydration due to Keto diet
A low carb diet can cause a loss of water from the body. So there is a possibility that your body when switches to Keto can feel dehydrated. A solution would be when the body is adjusting to the diet, ensure you take lots of fluids. Not just water but coconut water (has high potassium) or have a sachet of electrolyte handy.

Fat can be eaten without any limits
A high-fat diet does not mean unmindful excessive consumption of fat. Consult a Keto specialist on the quantum of fat that you can intake.

Zero alcohol consumption
With wine, beer or any other spirits, we tend to munch snacks. That has to be curbed. Also, going by Keto prescription, one must know the carb content in each glass of wine, beer or whatever, he or she enjoys. The lower the carb level in a drink, feel freer to enjoy with your evening meal.

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