Wednesday 11 December 2019

Top 10 healthy food options to lose weight and detox- what are they?

Are you the fan of keeping detox food in your kitchen? Here is good news for you! Detox foods not only help to reduce weight but also reveal a flawless and glowing complexion. If you are trying to lose weight and are sweating in the gym for over a year with almost zero results, then you are wrong somewhere. You are actually not eating vegetables that help to cut fat and detox at the same time.

Talk about naturopathic medicine; healthy detox foods are the staple. Thousands of people have lost weight by consuming the healthiest vegetables on the planet and got detoxed.

Lemons are a great way to detox 

With the mercury level already soaring higher, you can make a refreshing lemon drink and consume regularly. It is an ultimate detox water beverage that helps to lose weight by flushing out toxins from the system. Rich in antioxidants and Vitamin C, lemon can fabulously give a health boost.

Artichoke hearts: a fabulous snacking option

You can roast artichoke and consume it as snacks. The vegetable artichoke is rich in antioxidants and is also delectable. It neutralizes the impact of harmful toxins, and so artichoke is considered as the best liver-detox food available on the planet.

Beets are rich in antioxidants

There is plenty of antioxidant in beets which improves metabolism while reduces inflammation. If your blood pressure is high, consume the juice of the beet to regulate it. The juice will also refresh your senses.

The tasty and healthy green tea

We all know the benefits of green tea by now. Green tea is the healthiest way to get rid of harmful toxins and boost your workout results. Green tea caffeine acts as a wonderful diuretic to flush out toxins. Green tea keeps you hydrated also.
Broccoli: the powerful liver-detox food

The tree-shaped vegetable called broccoli is a powerful detox food rich in selenium and Vitamin C. You may eat it raw or boil it. Fiber-rich broccoli is the best way to eliminate toxins from the gut.

Turmeric to improve live functioning

You may eat ripe turmeric for it is a fabulous way to improve liver functioning. It also helps to provide weight loss.

Other healthy veggies to detox and to lose weight

  • Almonds are an excellent way to feel fuller for the day. Heart-friendly almonds detoxify the liver
  • Avocados can remove toxins, bad fats, and cholesterol from the blood. Your liver won’t have to work harder to remove toxins.
  • Grapefruit is rich in Vitamin C and can remove toxic free radicals from the body system.
  • Kale is rich in fiber and is used profusely for salad preparation. It makes the best detox smoothie.
So, these are the top 10 healthiest veggies to lose weight and detox.

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