Thursday 12 December 2019

6 steps for Indians to embrace the Atkins diet

Physical training is only half of what needs to be done in order to be physically healthy. The other half to maintain a good physicality is diet. One way to embrace dieting is to follow the Atkins diet. Atkins diet like Keto prescribes a low carbohydrate diet. The diet allows the intake of protein and fiber-rich food. Formulated by Robert Atkins, this diet to believes in ketogenesis process to remove fat from the body. Like most other structured diets, this too runs in phases. Though used for decades in the West, it can be tried in India.

6 ways Indians can make induct this method of weight loss:
  • Chicken and fish stay on your plate – As both chicken and fish have a high protein content, you can fill your plate with lean chicken and fish.
  • Diary and Poultry products stay as well – Toned milk, cottage cheese (paneer), the curd is allowed for their higher protein content. Egg white is also allowed. So breakfast can comprise of egg whites.
  • Sugar and products with high sugar are a big No – Items that have high sugar content have to brought under strict control. That would mean, less intake of sugar, cold drinks, milkshakes, smoothies or fruit juices. Opt for watermelon juice rather than a mango shake.

Switch to low carb veggies – Make way for cabbages, cauliflowers, capsicum, lettuce, peas than potatoes, turnips and sweet potatoes. Yes, you don’t have to stop eating vegetables, but ensure greens are high on proteins and fewer carbs.
Same goes for fruits – Like veggies, you have to be selective in which fruit you pick. No more mango, chiku, banana, instead have mousambi, berries.
Continue to munch nuts & seeds – Yes, almonds, walnuts, watermelon, flax and sunflower seeds are allowed. So if you have been taking them already, just to have them without any guilt.

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