Monday 30 December 2019

How parents can help children manage stress during exams

In the highly competitive world that we live in today, the desire to outperform each other has made life stressful for all. With sky-high expectations and cutthroat competition in every sphere, young minds are compelled to achieve the impossible. Your school-going child undeniably faces extreme amounts of pressure in his or her educative years. This results in anxiety and creates stress both for the children and their parents. There are various symptoms exhibited by children that confirm the stress of exams.

Signs to watch out for are:

  • Excessive worry
  • A tensed feeling
  • Experiencing headaches and stomach pains
  • Unable to sleep properly
  • Irritability
  • Eat little or more food than normal
  • Not enjoying activities which they previously liked
  • Seeming negative and low in mood
  • Feeling hopeless about the future

However, there are ways in which parents can help their child overcome exam stress.

  • Children can find support from parents, tutors or classmates to help share their worries.
  • Parents need to encourage their children to talk to supportive members of school staff.
  • A child needs to feel as involved as possible.
  • A diligent parent also needs to see that the child eats well, by providing a balanced diet which is vital for his or her during exams.
  • All kinds of sugar-laden and other junk food need to be avoided as this makes children hyperactive, irritable and moody.
  • Your child needs to get adequate sleep time of at least 8-10 hours. This will improve thinking and concentration.
  • A little time needs to be set aside for unwinding by watching a little television or any other light activity.
  • Parents need to be available at all times for their children. They need to show patience and give full attention to the child’s needs while he or she is revising.
  • Children also need to be helped while studying. Parents need to provide a comfortable and conducive atmosphere for the child to study.
  • They need to support them in revision. A child can be motivated to study and revise better by making him or her realizes their goals in life.
  • A child needs to be reminded that anxiety is normal and can be channeled positively, by activities such as revision of examination papers. By making them face their fears, a child will feel more confident during exams.
  • Also, some forms of exercise such as walking, cycling, dancing or swimming help the child to feel active and refreshed.
  • Lastly, parents should never criticize their child as this can have adverse effects on his or her mind. Positive encouragement is of prime importance.
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