Tuesday 31 December 2019

Putting your baby in daycare? Here’s what you need to know

Daycares for your baby today is available in every corner of our colonies and societies. However, it becomes imperative for parents to be able to identify the right one for their little ones. Here’s what you need to know when choosing the perfect place for your child to spend time in.

Inspect the floor of the place: Parents need to see how the caregivers interact with the children present there. The best way for the staff to handle babies is to sit on the floor playing with the children or holding one in their arms or laps. This prevents them from giving a cold and impersonal feel. Babies are not objects lying on the floor. The caregivers should possess a sense of warmth, love, compassion and be responsive to the child’s needs. It’s also very important to see that not more than a couple of kids are handled by one person. Very small babies need individual attention.

Inspect the hygiene of the place: Your baby is susceptible to diseases. It’s important to ensure that the place is free of any bacteria and germs.

Preparedness for any medical emergencies: The staff should have the required medicines at hand in case the child falls ill.

Get the staff to make a commitment: Your baby requires a person who looks after them with consistency. When your child becomes secure and comfortable with the person after interacting on a daily basis, they get used to being with the same person. In case the baby sees a new face, he or she will find it difficult to get accustomed. For this reason, it’s important to have a long term contract with the caregiver.

Inquire about the policies of the institution or company: Certain important factors such as discipline, the usage of television, whether it’s used throughout the day or only for some time, the quality of food provided for children, the sleeping routine need to be thoroughly checked.

Come to the day-care to quietly assess without being noticed: Even though daycare promises you the best in all their facilities, its important for a parent to come by and observe what happens behind their backs.

Communicate effectively with the caregiver: Until your baby starts talking you will have to rely on the caregiver. He or she should be able to answer all questions related to the child regarding food, sleep, diapers, and other essential baby stuff in a satisfactory manner.

Solve any problem with your caregiver as soon as possible: The caregiver has been entrusted with the sensitive and delicate responsibility of your child. If any problem arises, rather than procrastinating one should thrash out the problem in an effective manner.

Rely on own your own instinct: As a parent, only you know what’s best for your baby. Even though there are very good quality daycares around, if you do feel something does not feel right, act spontaneously according to the situation.

Being flexible: Parents cannot afford to show rigidity when it comes to choosing a daycare. If there is any problem with the place or its people it would be best for parents to change the place and look for one that is best suited to their needs.

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Monday 30 December 2019

How parents can help children manage stress during exams

In the highly competitive world that we live in today, the desire to outperform each other has made life stressful for all. With sky-high expectations and cutthroat competition in every sphere, young minds are compelled to achieve the impossible. Your school-going child undeniably faces extreme amounts of pressure in his or her educative years. This results in anxiety and creates stress both for the children and their parents. There are various symptoms exhibited by children that confirm the stress of exams.

Signs to watch out for are:

  • Excessive worry
  • A tensed feeling
  • Experiencing headaches and stomach pains
  • Unable to sleep properly
  • Irritability
  • Eat little or more food than normal
  • Not enjoying activities which they previously liked
  • Seeming negative and low in mood
  • Feeling hopeless about the future

However, there are ways in which parents can help their child overcome exam stress.

  • Children can find support from parents, tutors or classmates to help share their worries.
  • Parents need to encourage their children to talk to supportive members of school staff.
  • A child needs to feel as involved as possible.
  • A diligent parent also needs to see that the child eats well, by providing a balanced diet which is vital for his or her during exams.
  • All kinds of sugar-laden and other junk food need to be avoided as this makes children hyperactive, irritable and moody.
  • Your child needs to get adequate sleep time of at least 8-10 hours. This will improve thinking and concentration.
  • A little time needs to be set aside for unwinding by watching a little television or any other light activity.
  • Parents need to be available at all times for their children. They need to show patience and give full attention to the child’s needs while he or she is revising.
  • Children also need to be helped while studying. Parents need to provide a comfortable and conducive atmosphere for the child to study.
  • They need to support them in revision. A child can be motivated to study and revise better by making him or her realizes their goals in life.
  • A child needs to be reminded that anxiety is normal and can be channeled positively, by activities such as revision of examination papers. By making them face their fears, a child will feel more confident during exams.
  • Also, some forms of exercise such as walking, cycling, dancing or swimming help the child to feel active and refreshed.
  • Lastly, parents should never criticize their child as this can have adverse effects on his or her mind. Positive encouragement is of prime importance.
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Thursday 26 December 2019

10 basic principles of good parenting

Good parenting first and foremost requires a huge amount of responsibility. Simply watching your child grow is not enough. Being a good parent requires immense amounts of dedication, patience, and consistency. Every parent wants their child to grow up to be a happy and healthy individual. However, this means that parents have to play an important role in shaping and molding their child’s future. They are expected to ensure that the child grows up to be of sound body and mind. Good parenting allows the child to develop qualities such as kindness, empathy, self-reliance and one of a happy disposition.

Here are the basic guidelines which each parent must adhere to:

1. Your child learns from you.

How parents behave is keenly observed and followed by their children. Your actions and reactions to various situations in life matter to your child, and he or she will incorporate your methods of dealing, with myriad situations in their own life.

2. Too much love or affection can prove to be disastrous.

Parents who express excessive love by readily agreeing to the unwarranted demands of their child end up spoiling their children. A lenient attitude with the child will only result in him or her becoming a spoilt and self-centered human being, secure in the fact that their parents can provide them with anything and everything without the child having to put in any hard work.

3. Being there for your child

Parents need to understand that they have to be mentally and physically present in their child’s day to day life and the challenges he or she goes through. This means giving undivided attention, by prioritizing their responsibilities.

4. Age-appropriate parenting

Your child is growing day by day. His needs and demands will keep changing. Your behavior towards your child has to be in accordance with his or her age.

5. Deciding certain rules and regulations

It is important for parents to implement some rules for their children. Certain mannerisms need to be instilled in the child at a young and impressionable age. Doing so would prevent the child from developing a personality that creates huge problems for him or her at a later stage in life.

6. Encourage your child’s independence

The right balance of setting limits for your child and allowing them to be independent is of vital importance. As your child grows up, there should be lesser interference by the parent.

7. Being consistent

Children require to be dealt with in a careful manner. When parents make rules for their children they should be consciously made for them to follow on a daily basis. These have to be carefully devised in a manner that does not allow the child to revolt and rebel.

8. Extremely strict behavior by parents

When enforcing rules, parents should ensure not to hit or slap their children. This will only teach them to be physically violent and aggressive towards other people.

9. Rules need to be explained to children

Parents need to understand that an explanation of rules has to be done in a rather skillful manner. Usually, the quantum of explanation needs to be such that it is appropriate according to the age of the child. This means a smaller child will require lesser explanation and a bigger one may require more.

10. Give your child respect

Your child deserves to be treated with respect. A parent cannot expect to demand respect if they are rude and impolite with their children in day to day living.

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Tuesday 24 December 2019

5 common parenting taboos

Parenting is not an easy journey. Right from pregnancy until the child is born and is raised to be an adult, parents have to go through a lot. The journey can have mixed experiences, some good and some bad. It is not easy to have the perfect parenting plan for your child. Every parent ends up making some mistake or the other.

Here are the common errors that parents must avoid:

  • Being under or over-involved in their lives.
  • There are different kinds of parents, one who gives a lot of time to their children and their needs.
  • Such parents are never strict even when need be and like to spoil their children with gifts and so on. This overindulgence can result in spoon-feeding and mollycoddling which is damaging for the child. It will only make him dependent and insecure as an adult.

There is another kind are who is never there for their children as they are too preoccupied with their own lives. This absence from the child’s life will again make the child feel lonely and insecure. Parents' behavior towards their children stems from their own life experiences and they tend to behave in the opposite manner with their children. Parents who labor under the false impression of actually knowing their child. There are parents who feel that they know and understand their child very well which may not be the case. What they do need to realize is that their child needs careful observation. Parents should watch how the personality of the child is shaping up and be active listeners instead of just hearing. Parents who feel that getting anxious about their child is fine enough. It not appropriate for parents to simply worry about their children but instead they need to have a concern. It is these concerns that will propel the parents in helping their children reach their goals. It will also help teach them the ways to handle various situations in life which will further help the children being independent and resilient beings.
Children, whose parents focus only on worry become socially withdrawn and have a host of emotional problems.

  • Having high or low expectations.
  • Parents should not label or compare their children with one another.
  • Each child has his or her own capabilities and good qualities.
  • When parents label their kids with different names, such as attractive or smart, the child feels he or she is only good at one thing and does not even attempt to excel in other facets of life.
  • Your children are inspired by you. When parents only end up looking after the children and not themselves, the child is bound to follow the same principle as he reaches adulthood.

He or she will follow the identical mannerisms of his or her parent and will also realize that adulthood is devoid of any pleasures.

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Friday 20 December 2019

How to keep your child safe in digital world

In the seemingly virtual world of today, our children are exposed to technology in a manner that may prove harmful if not checked. Born into a digital world, children today have more opportunities to engage with online content. Amidst a flurry of activities, such as schoolwork, playtime and other things, children find time to tune in to their Instagram feeds and playing video games. The delicate balancing act of trying to fit in everything right is something most parents are slowly getting familiar with. Parents, navigating the waters of raising kids in a digital world with so many apps and sites for the first time is not an easy thing to do. Monitoring your child’s screen time is of prime importance. There are the dangers of cyberbullying, cyber predators and inappropriate content available online. Children can also be victims of phishing, a cybercrime luring individuals into providing sensitive data such as personally identifiable information, banking, and credit card details and password, falling for scams, posting private information and accidentally downloading malware. According to research and statistics, too much screen time has been shown to cause sleep problems, behavior issues, anxiety, obesity, cognitive delays, loss of social skills and vision problems.

There are ways in which parents can help:

Stay up to date

They can find out what apps their child is using and check them out on sites such as Smart Social.

Get online and be present

Be active on the site your children are and monitor their activity. Parents should always know their kid's passwords their phones and any social media site they are on. It’s also very important to know when your child is online and what he or she is doing when online.
Be in control

There are services that monitor online activity and are affordable, award-winning and proactively monitor text messages, YouTube, emails and many other social networks for potential safety concerns, so that busy parents can save time and gain peace of mind.

Remove the temptation

Charge phones in a common area of your home so they aren’t in bedrooms at night. Don’t allow televisions or gaming systems in your child’s bedroom. This makes it easier for parents to monitor and it isn’t so tempting for the child to use when they should be going to sleep.

Sign a contract

Make your child sign a family contract that ensures he or she stays safe and balanced.

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Thursday 19 December 2019

Travelling With Kids: How to handle a child’s mood swings on a trip

Travelling has become an inevitable part of our lives today. However, it becomes an entirely different ball game when your little ones are also a part of the trip. A trip is meant to be a fun-filled and joyous affair. But when your children are with you, parents have to ensure that the trip is a comfortable one for them and their family. Here are some ways to tackle your child’s behavior when en route to your destination:

Have extra time on your hands

Apart from your luggage and other essentials, the most useful thing to carry for parents is extra time. Small children are not yet able to grasp the importance of time and may delay their parents in different ways.

Always book in advance

Parents cannot expect to arrive at their destination without a prebooking of their hotel or guest house when they have children with them. Children are invariably tired, hungry and restless by the time they arrive and immediately need a place to settle in.

Providing them with a camera

Giving children a child-friendly camera can allow them to explore their surroundings and also keep fruitfully busy.

Be prepared for any changes in the weather

Parents need to carry clothes and shoes that are comfortable for the child in any terrain.

Being app-friendly

Parents should carry apps that are child-friendly. These will have games and videos that will keep children busy while on a trip.

Using public transport in the city you are in

Parents will find that their children find it more interesting to get onto a bus or train rather than a taxi or cab as this gives them a  hands-on feel of the place.

Buying a child locator

This device is extremely important for the safety of children. Parents need to strap on a small unit on the belt or shoe of the child, wherein it makes it easy to locate the child in case he or she gets lost.

Keeping medicines and anti-bacterial wipes

These again are absolute essentials while traveling with kids. Going to unknown places replete with insects and other dangers requires parents to be fully prepared with first aid kits, sanitizers to prevent infection, and a thermometer for fevers or any other eventualities.

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Wednesday 18 December 2019

5 ways Indians can follow a Paleo diet

When you decide to diet, it is extremely important to understand your body type and food habits. You might have to go through a phase of uncertainty before you decide which particular is suitable for you. There are many options – a keto, a paleo, an Indian vegetarian diet and many more. Paleo diet, as the term suggests was made to resemble the kind of diet our ancestors used to have thousands of years ago. Like every diet, in paleo too you have haves and have-nots. As an average Indian, you need to find out what options you have before you make up your mind for the paleo diet.
Here are 5 ways to have a Paleo diet:
  • High-quality meat
Meat, in paleo, should not be treated with hormones and chemicals. We all know that any meat, as consumed in the countryside, can taste superb as it is not treated artificially. So when you pick your meat, try to eat the desi ones.
  • Eggs
There are many options if you want to consume eggs that are not artificially conditioned. If the egg is a good source of protein, then why not have an unadulterated egg, rather than one which is chemically infused.
  • Sourcing Vegetables and fruits
Be close to nature and fill your vegetable basket from the local mandi – where things are fresh and not stored in cold storages, unlike a supermart. Having raw vegetables and fruits have long been part of Indian culture. It might have got lost due to time constraints or changes in lifestyle. No way we can’t go back to the olden ways.
  • Nuts and Seeds
Our grannies and mothers have insisted on having almonds, and other nuts since we were kids. Nuts contain a high concentration of healthy omega 3 fatty acids. Other than nuts, seeds are also a great source of nutrients. Now tell your mom and granny that you will follow their way. Grab nuts and seeds for mid-meal snacks.
  • Healthy oils
Yes, we grew up consuming food cooked in mustard oil, coconut oil, sunflower oil and til (sesame) oil. Continue to cook meals with those. That is close to nature. Olive oil is not indigenous. Traditionally processed oils retain all nutrients and essential oils.

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Tuesday 17 December 2019

6 best ways to stop emotional eating

Emotion is a state of mind and how we deal with it has a lot to do with our physical and mental health. Numerous studies have thrown up that we tend to engage in emotional eating when under stress (personal, professional, financial or health concern). Not just negative emotions like some kind of void but even a happy state of mind can also trigger eating more than usual. Though not proved conclusively, women are more prone to emotional binging.

Eating under some kind of emotion can result in a lot of problems and one of them is obesity. To define in layman’s terms, emotional eating is a psychological disorder and most of them indulge in order to satisfy their emotional needs and not physical hunger. Food might easily calm down the mind but may result in serious damages later as they add to gaining unwanted calories which can complicate health.
To deal with emotional eating, we have listed 6 best ways to deal with it.

Be aware of the disorder– To deal with a problem, one has to be aware of it. Consult a general physician or a therapist. You can also share it with your loved ones. Accept that the issue is within you and then work your way to deal with it.

Handle your emotion– Once you have diagnosed the issue, now work to find a solution to it. Learn to deal with both positive and negative emotions. If the feeling void is triggering it, then pick up a hobby or meditate or write or travel or engage in some social work. Or can pick up a book to handle such a state of mind. At the end of the day, one should not feel as if they are unwanted, secluded, there is no meaning to life.
Change the way you eat– Switch to a healthy diet, so even if you are eating under some state of mind, you would munch something good. Make sure to chew your food slowly, as it slows the eating process and makes digestion easier.

Avoid TV, Mobile Phone– Or to put simply stay away from distractions. Don’t be a couch potato, use the dining table to have meals.  Mixing entertainment with food, might not be the best eating habit.

Do accept your cravings– Any plans to shun emotional eating cannot be implemented in a day or two. It requires a lot of patience and more than that you need to accept your state of mind and control it slowly.

Don’t quickly give up your binge – At times, people binge on chocolates and desserts to satisfy their emotional craving for food and this can’t be stopped at once. You need to gradually slow down to control binge eating. Else, the situation can become worse.

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Monday 16 December 2019

6 Best ways to stop night time binging

Have you been binging on some Netflix series late at night or trying to finish a very important office PPT? Or as exam season is on and you have to burn the midnight oil. Chances are as you slog, your brain and body can also demand food. You rush to the refrigerator and grab a tub of ice-cream or open the chocolate bar or grab a can of chips. Certainly, no one wants to dish out something healthy late at night in the kitchen.

But all these junk at odd hours can be quite harmful to the body. Chances are that this binging might be adding unwanted fat. Picking food which is heavy on calories at night can result in obesity because you would not burn as much energy as you are mostly sedentary. We have 6 best ways to stop night time binging.
1. Ask yourself

Have you ever asked why you feel hungry so frequently? Try to see a doctor to confirm if there is any underlining medical reason for frequent food cravings. Is it boredom, or stress? Try to find answers for hunger pangs. Work on a plan to diffuse your late-night eating habits. Meditate, go for a late-night walk, post-dinner, or try to listen to some soothing music.

2. Sleep early

Office ppt is ok sometimes, but the online streaming of videos can be watched during a weekend afternoon. Our body is designed to go into sleep mode at night, so follow that. Hit the bed early. When you sleep early, you wake up early, drive to the office early, beat the peak hours traffic woes. Return home early and spend time with family. Take official's calls from home.

3. Have Early Dinner

It is advised to have early dinner, at least three hours before we hit the bed. If you have to stay up at unmanly hours, then make some soup or salads, while you are cooking dinner. Munching the salad or soup is a better alternative than junk. Or save a small portion of dinner for late hours.

4. Have planned meals

Yes, if you feel hungry after every two-three hours, then plan your meals accordingly. Add more protein and fewer carbs. Opt for brown rice and fibrous vegetables, which stays longer in the body.

5. Add more protein to the diet

Studies have shown that a high protein diet can reduce frequent food cravings. So try to add some grilled or tandoori chicken to your dinner. Add two egg whites for the evening snack. Keep munching nuts. Yogurt or buttermilk is helpful.

6. Do Away with Junk

Yes if you store them, you will end up munching, so easy way is to stop stocking them in your pantry.

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Thursday 12 December 2019

6 steps for Indians to embrace the Atkins diet

Physical training is only half of what needs to be done in order to be physically healthy. The other half to maintain a good physicality is diet. One way to embrace dieting is to follow the Atkins diet. Atkins diet like Keto prescribes a low carbohydrate diet. The diet allows the intake of protein and fiber-rich food. Formulated by Robert Atkins, this diet to believes in ketogenesis process to remove fat from the body. Like most other structured diets, this too runs in phases. Though used for decades in the West, it can be tried in India.

6 ways Indians can make induct this method of weight loss:
  • Chicken and fish stay on your plate – As both chicken and fish have a high protein content, you can fill your plate with lean chicken and fish.
  • Diary and Poultry products stay as well – Toned milk, cottage cheese (paneer), the curd is allowed for their higher protein content. Egg white is also allowed. So breakfast can comprise of egg whites.
  • Sugar and products with high sugar are a big No – Items that have high sugar content have to brought under strict control. That would mean, less intake of sugar, cold drinks, milkshakes, smoothies or fruit juices. Opt for watermelon juice rather than a mango shake.

Switch to low carb veggies – Make way for cabbages, cauliflowers, capsicum, lettuce, peas than potatoes, turnips and sweet potatoes. Yes, you don’t have to stop eating vegetables, but ensure greens are high on proteins and fewer carbs.
Same goes for fruits – Like veggies, you have to be selective in which fruit you pick. No more mango, chiku, banana, instead have mousambi, berries.
Continue to munch nuts & seeds – Yes, almonds, walnuts, watermelon, flax and sunflower seeds are allowed. So if you have been taking them already, just to have them without any guilt.

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Wednesday 11 December 2019

Top 10 healthy food options to lose weight and detox- what are they?

Are you the fan of keeping detox food in your kitchen? Here is good news for you! Detox foods not only help to reduce weight but also reveal a flawless and glowing complexion. If you are trying to lose weight and are sweating in the gym for over a year with almost zero results, then you are wrong somewhere. You are actually not eating vegetables that help to cut fat and detox at the same time.

Talk about naturopathic medicine; healthy detox foods are the staple. Thousands of people have lost weight by consuming the healthiest vegetables on the planet and got detoxed.

Lemons are a great way to detox 

With the mercury level already soaring higher, you can make a refreshing lemon drink and consume regularly. It is an ultimate detox water beverage that helps to lose weight by flushing out toxins from the system. Rich in antioxidants and Vitamin C, lemon can fabulously give a health boost.

Artichoke hearts: a fabulous snacking option

You can roast artichoke and consume it as snacks. The vegetable artichoke is rich in antioxidants and is also delectable. It neutralizes the impact of harmful toxins, and so artichoke is considered as the best liver-detox food available on the planet.

Beets are rich in antioxidants

There is plenty of antioxidant in beets which improves metabolism while reduces inflammation. If your blood pressure is high, consume the juice of the beet to regulate it. The juice will also refresh your senses.

The tasty and healthy green tea

We all know the benefits of green tea by now. Green tea is the healthiest way to get rid of harmful toxins and boost your workout results. Green tea caffeine acts as a wonderful diuretic to flush out toxins. Green tea keeps you hydrated also.
Broccoli: the powerful liver-detox food

The tree-shaped vegetable called broccoli is a powerful detox food rich in selenium and Vitamin C. You may eat it raw or boil it. Fiber-rich broccoli is the best way to eliminate toxins from the gut.

Turmeric to improve live functioning

You may eat ripe turmeric for it is a fabulous way to improve liver functioning. It also helps to provide weight loss.

Other healthy veggies to detox and to lose weight

  • Almonds are an excellent way to feel fuller for the day. Heart-friendly almonds detoxify the liver
  • Avocados can remove toxins, bad fats, and cholesterol from the blood. Your liver won’t have to work harder to remove toxins.
  • Grapefruit is rich in Vitamin C and can remove toxic free radicals from the body system.
  • Kale is rich in fiber and is used profusely for salad preparation. It makes the best detox smoothie.
So, these are the top 10 healthiest veggies to lose weight and detox.

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Tuesday 10 December 2019

Busting myths about Keto diet

Losing weight is one of the most difficult challenges to attain. Many people have tried to do so and lost motivation in the process. They end up pushing themselves in the gym and do a lot of hard work. But physical work is not the only thing that helps in losing weight. Diet also plays a major role in losing weight. Many people are switching to a keto diet, which promises to burn fat quickly. It is believed to be quite effective. Keto has emerged as a fad diet. There are many myths associated with Keto –

Deficiency of nutrients in Keto diet
Some nutritionists are of the opinion that a keto diet does not have enough nutrients to help cells in the body to grow. But that is totally wrong. Keto diet remains the best nutrient-rich diet in the world.

Keto diet may affect the kidney
Due to the heavy reliance on proteins in the keto diet, people believe that the keto diet would be harmful to the kidney. This is completely incorrect. Keto diet emphasizes on low carb and high fat and not denser proteins. Also, normal functioning kidneys can process a high protein diet.

Dehydration due to Keto diet
A low carb diet can cause a loss of water from the body. So there is a possibility that your body when switches to Keto can feel dehydrated. A solution would be when the body is adjusting to the diet, ensure you take lots of fluids. Not just water but coconut water (has high potassium) or have a sachet of electrolyte handy.

Fat can be eaten without any limits
A high-fat diet does not mean unmindful excessive consumption of fat. Consult a Keto specialist on the quantum of fat that you can intake.

Zero alcohol consumption
With wine, beer or any other spirits, we tend to munch snacks. That has to be curbed. Also, going by Keto prescription, one must know the carb content in each glass of wine, beer or whatever, he or she enjoys. The lower the carb level in a drink, feel freer to enjoy with your evening meal.

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Monday 9 December 2019

The top 10 fun and exciting exercises for your kids

Obesity is not restricted to adults for we have childhood obesity also. The number of kids who are obese is on the rise currently. Obesity is the harbinger of several health anomalies and leads to health conditions like high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and sleep issues. You may inculcate healthy habits in your child and encourage them to eat healthily and exercise regularly. Fun and interesting exercises for kids will keep them engrossed in an activity. They won’t feel that it is an actual exercise.

Jessica Smith, the child fitness expert, says that you should let your child move out whenever possible to enjoy fresh air and exercise with others. It is necessary to engage them in fun and interesting activities and only then they can give up computer games and smartphones.

Let him mimic the movement of his favorite superhero

The fitness trainer Paul Dziewisz states that while working with kids, he energizes them by giving complete body workout and exercise is not something that excites them. While every child has a superhero, ask your kid to mimic the movement of his favorite superhero. Let him act out Superman, Spiderman Wolverine or anyone. A fitness trainer can show such moves to your child.
Hoop dance for girls 

Yes! Girls love to hoop dance. Hula Hoops are a fabulous way to build core strength. The exercise kind is fun and interesting. Involve them in hula hooping just after the school is over. However, ensure that hoop must be of apt size. There is a hula hoop of different sizes.

An Olympic playground

Gather a few types of equipment used in an Olympic game like climbing bars, slid downslide, swings, etc. You will be surprised to know that the child may burn 300-400 calories just by playing for an hour.

Trampoline is a fun way to exercise

The jumping device trampoline exercises the whole body and burns calories quite efficiently. Jumping also aids physical and mental development. It promotes balance, coordination and improves motor skills. Let him try several moves including Seat Drops, Knee lift, and others.
Jumping is exciting

You can install a few hurdles in your garden and let the kids jump over it. The one who crosses the hurdles first will get rewarded.

Other interesting exercises for children 

  • An exercise ball is kid-friendly, and you may incorporate that to the kids’ room. Your child will be fit in a fun manner.
  • Make flashcards and encourage kids to get active. Activity flashcards may read “do 20 sit-ups”, “run for 15 minutes”, “jog for 3 minutes”, etc.
  • Buy colorful balloons and ask them to play
  • A celebrity trainer Kathy Kaehler states that video gaming can be fun-filled. It can exercise the body, but you should choose games of workout themes.
  • Cycling for kids is a fun way to exercise
Exercise is an effective way to handle stress. Build a habit of exercising from a tender age. Endorphins are the best anti-depressants, says Michelle Steinke, a fitness and health expert.

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Thursday 5 December 2019

Good Eating Habits

How often do we keep hearing that we need to get our act right when it comes to our food habits? Or how many times have we made a New Year resolution to give up all junk food? Yes like any other life choice, eating right also takes discipline and gradual planning and lots of effort to say no to processed and greasy food. There are dozens of established research which tells us that healthy eating not only keeps one healthy but also keeps mental stress and anxiety at bay.

Practicing good eating habits along with certain physical activities should become part of the lifestyle. Our eating habits define both mental and physical health status. Here is a list of must-haves food habits, which you can kick start right away.
  • Never say no to breakfast
Breakfast is considered the first important meal of the day and eating a heavy breakfast is mandatory. Since this is the first meal of the day it is important to include all the necessary minerals, proteins, fats and carbs which can help you to stay active throughout the day.
  • Get your meal portions right
Depending on just three meals a day and filling the plate to maximum can make you unhealthy as there would be a lot of gaps between the meals. Hence, eating every 2-3 hours once can actually increase the metabolism rate of the body as well. So it is important to grab a bowl of fruits before you walk into your evening meeting.

  • Keep yourself hydrated
To stay active and energized, water intake is crucial. There is a lot of debate about how much water should an average person consume daily. Water ensures to flushes out all the harmful toxins from the body by increasing the metabolism rate. Ensure you fill your water bottles frequently to ensure you have gulped somewhere between 3.7 to 2.7 liters of water/ day.
  • Add color to your plate
Colorful veggies on the plate can not only be appealing to eyes but they also add the essential dose of vitamins, minerals, and fibers, which helps the body to function properly. So the color, the better.
  • Binge on egg whites
Egg whites are known sources of protein, so make it a habit to have them at least twice or thrice a week.
  • Consume a lot of cereals
Cereals are great sources of energy and a lot of people who are health conscious add cereals for breakfast. As cereals are filled with proteins, vitamins and essential minerals it would not only keep you full but it also gives the required amount of energy until the next meal.

For some great articles on health, lifestyle, beauty, and many more interesting topics visit https://www.healthclaw.com

Tuesday 3 December 2019

Five reasons why you should add greens to your plate

There’s a good reason why mothers all over the world run after their kids to eat green vegetables. From early childhood, mothers pester their kids to add broccoli, peas, French beans and a whole lot of green, leafy vegetables to their plates. Most of us have resented it and reached for a cheeseburger instead. But she was right and after all Mother’s know it all. But just why are green vegetables so important for our health and well-being? Let’s find out.

Nix heart disease and cancer

Doctors have said that including dark green vegetables in your diet can help you reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and some forms of cancer. This is because of the presence of loads of antioxidants in many green vegetables.
Keeps you hydrated

Green, leafy vegetables are a good source of water and can keep you from getting dehydrated on hot summer days. So, include them in your diet along with making sure you drink lots of fluid this summer.

Get yourself some iron

If you’ve been experiencing hair loss lately, here’s another reason to reach for the greens. Many vegetables, such as spinach, are rich sources of iron, the lack of which can lead to hair loss. Other symptoms of iron deficiency include fatigue, brittle nails, weakness, and dizziness. Popeye, with his cans of spinach, probably didn’t suffer from any of these ailments.

Keep your weight in check

Eating more green vegetables can make you feel full because they have fiber. A good reason to include them in your diet then, if you’re looking to shed those extra kilos because vegetables are low in calories. Eat more vegetables instead of starchy foods and say goodbye to those love handles.

Look and feel youthful

Green vegetables are an excellent source of Vitamin K. This means consuming them would keep your teeth and bones strong. Vitamin K produces osteocalcin which is important for maintaining one’s bone health. The nutrient is important, especially for women after they step into their 30s, to keep osteoporosis at bay. The presence of Vitamins E and C in vegetables can keep your skin looking glowing and firm. Add greens to your plate and delay skin aging. Need one to have a better reason to make friends with green vegetables?

For some great articles on health, lifestyle, beauty, and many more interesting topics visit https://www.healthclaw.com

Monday 2 December 2019

Healthy eating habits every parent should follow for their kids

Getting your child to eat right and eat well is one of the most challenging jobs for a parent. Here are some ideas to guide you through this grueling marathon.

  • Shop together, cook together

Shopping for food and preparing meals with your child will give you hints about her food preferences. It’s also an opportunity to teach your child about nutrition. What’s more, children may be more willing to eat or try foods that they help prepare.

  • Don’t use food for punishment or reward

This is a key lesson. For example, sending your children to bed without any dinner may make them worry that they might go hungry. As a result, they may try to eat whenever they get a chance. Similarly, when foods, such as sweets, are used as a reward, your child may think that these foods are more valuable than other foods.

  • Eat together

Knowing they’re going to eat a meal (whether it’s breakfast, lunch or dinner) with you can be very comforting to a child. Try to make mealtimes pleasant. If mealtimes are unpleasant, children may try to eat faster. They then may learn to associate eating with stress.

  • Children mimic their parents

Try to eat healthy yourself. Being a good role model for your child is important. Don’t tell your children to eat all their vegetables if you yourself are eating chips at lunchtime and cola at dinnertime. If you are willing to find new ways to get creative with healthy choices, your child will be more likely to follow.

  • Clean your plate’ is a bad idea

Forcing your child to eat will interfere with her learning to listen to her body for full and hungry signals. It’s quite normal for a child to polish off everything on his plate one day and then eat two peas and say he’s done the next. Make sure you don’t make him feel bad for not cleaning his plate. Offer smaller portions (you can always serve a second helping later).

  • Don’t Ban Junk Food

This doesn’t mean allowing your child to eat eight candies and four cookies a day. Limiting processed food that’s high in sugar and calories is a good idea. But if you ban junk food, your child might look for it elsewhere. A better way is to let your child have some junk treats occasionally. If they still want more, try to steer them toward snacks such as nuts with raisins.

For some great articles on health, lifestyle, beauty, and many more interesting topics visit https://www.healthclaw.com