Thursday 28 November 2019

How to stop food and sugar craving

It’s important to understand that craving is not the same as hunger. A food or sugar craving is your body asking for a “reward”. If you can eat a little bit and stop whenever you get a craving, it’s perfectly fine to indulge. But if you tend to binge (which is what most people tend to do when a craving hits), it’s a very bad idea to give in, especially if you’re trying to lose weight.

Foods high in sugar or other carbohydrates are most known to cause cravings and can be especially difficult to control. Why is this? Sweet foods and foods rich in carbohydrates release feel-good chemicals, such as serotonin, dopamine, and other relaxing endorphins, in the brain. The effects of these chemicals may make a person more prone to reach for them repeatedly.
Here are five ways to help you resist the cravings or give in to them in the healthiest way possible.

1. Give in a little
To tame a food or sugar craving, it may be a good idea to give in just a little bit. For example, if your body is craving chocolate, eat one square from a chocolate bar or a small choco-chip cookie. This way, you get a taste of the favorite food as well as stop yourself from feeling denied.

2. Drink a glass of water
Studies have found that people on a diet who drink more water are often quicker to lose weight than those who don’t. When the craving hits, drink a glass of water and then wait. If the craving goes away, your body might actually have misinterpreted thirst as a food craving.

3. Deny yourself the food completely
Some people find that denying themselves completely makes the cravings lessen after a few days. Others find they may still crave the food, but over a period of time are able to train their bodies to be satisfied with less. But remember, the initial 48 to 72 hours are very tough going.

4. Chew some gum
Research has shown that chewing gum can reduce cravings. If you want to avoid giving in to a craving completely, try chewing a stick or pellet of gum.

5. Eat some fruit
Always keep your home stocked with your favorite fruit. Whenever the craving hits, reach for the fruit. This way, you’ll get fiber and nutrients along with some sweetness. Stock up on foods like nuts, seeds, and dried fruits, too.

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Wednesday 27 November 2019

How can refined carbs affect your health?

There are times when certain straightforward or simple issues cause advanced issues. Refined carbs cause a spike in insulin levels in the body. Fried meals and items rich in sugar are laden with the easy carb to cause a quick spike of insulin. If you consume processed carbs in excess, says the dietician Gillian Mc. Keith, it can lead to weight problems, diseases like diabetes, heart problems, PCOS, and so it is mandatory to refrain from consuming refined carbs. But, how to know if the diet is rich in the refined carb? Let’s find out.
Here is the list of items in refined carbs:

  • White rice
  • White bread
  • Sweets
  • Cookies and biscuits
  • Pasta
  • Refined flour
  • Snacks and wafers
  • Doughnuts
  • White sugars
  • Pastries and cakes
  • Aerated drinks
  • Energy drinks
  • Processed food
  • Fried or mashed white potatoes
  • Milk powder

What is refined carb?

The processed carb-rich in minerals, vitamins, nutrients and minus fiber is termed as a refined carb. Complex carbs are dietary fibers good for health and digest slowly. The molecular structure is complex, and so they are hard to digest. Thus, there is no sugar or insulin level spike in the blood. Some of the examples of advanced carbs or complex carbs are fruits, veggies, whole grains. If you consume more of simple carbs, there can be health anomalies. The list of refined carbs in the section may make you unhappy. You should avoid them or else there will be health complications, rising medical bills and frequent doctor visits.

How are they bad for health?

Refined carbs are extremely bad for health, as stated already. The following are the reasons to avoid refined carbs:

  • They are low in nutrients, low in energy and the dietary value is zero. The bran is eliminated from the grain while processing it. So, ultimately, refined carbs have no energy value as such.
  • It causes a spike in blood sugar levels and insulin levels. Here the energy and glycemic index is high. Advanced carbs have less of glycemic index.
  • If the blood sugar level is made to rise and you are given to consuming refined carbs frequently, you may have diabetes. Your physique will become insulin-resistant if you eat refined carbs continuously.
  • It leads to weight gain as the food items are rich in calories
  • You will accumulate a lot of belly fat during the process
  • There may be gut problems and digestive issues
Therefore, it is dangerous to consume processed carbs and refined carbs.

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Tuesday 26 November 2019

What to do when you have milk allergy? Know the various treatment options.

Milk allergy is a common food allergy that results from an abnormal response of the body’s immunity system to lactose-based food items. It is mostly cow’s milk that leads to an abnormal response, but at times the milk of buffalo, goats, and sheep might also lead to a reaction. The signs and symptoms of milk allergy last for a few hours after milk consumption. If you are allergic to cow’s milk, the immune system may also react to soy milk. The symptoms of allergy vary from person to person.

The various causes of milk allergy

Every food allergy results from immunity malfunction. As the immune system identifies some of the milk protein to be harmful, it triggers the production of Immunoglobulin E (IgE) Antibodies that tend to neutralize the allergen. So, the next time you intake these proteins, your immunity system releases a range of chemicals and histamine leading to allergic reactions. IgE antibodies recognize these proteins and allergens in the body. Cow’s milk has Whey and Casein that triggers allergic reactions. Casein is present in curd or solid milk that cuddles. Whey is present in the liquid part of milk.

The various symptoms of milk allergy

To treat allergy, you should avoid food allergy. The person who is allergic to milk product will show the following symptoms just after consuming milk and dairy products:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Skin rashes and skin eruptions
  • Throw up
  • Wheezing
  • Diarrhea
  • Stomach cramps
  • Runny nose and watery eyes
  • Infant Colic
  • Anaphylaxis is a severe medical emergency that leads to the narrowing or blocking of airways.
Depending on the severity of the allergic reaction, a person shows the symptoms. Here is what can do next:
  • Get to know the signs and symptoms of milk allergy
  • Undergo physical examination
  • Maintain a diary to write down the food you consume
  • Discuss out your concerns with the doctor
  • Eliminate milk from the diet

Tests you need to undergo
  • A skin test is a test where a certain portion of the skin is exposed to milk protein. There will be a hive or raised bump if you are allergic
  • A blood test is done to measure the extent of allergy

Treatment options

  • Antihistamines may be administered to reduce the symptoms
  • Injecting epinephrine can give quick relief
  • Complete abstinence from dairy product
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Monday 25 November 2019

Planning a Weight loss diet? These are your options

Most of us have different agendas when it comes to dieting – some of us want to diet ahead of a wedding to slip on to that beautiful designer dress, some genuinely believe it’s high time to shed some kilos, some just want to show off a slimmer body.

Like our agendas, the planning, diet way and tips vary. The easiest route is going online, some try to get the hack from friends, colleagues or relatives. The more serious ones register with a dietician. Some immediately cut the carbs and set on their journey to crash diet.

If you have been thinking of losing some pounds, we suggest you start analyzing a few things first – your body type, age, food habits, and lifestyle. And of course, then work on a timeline on how quickly you want to shed your kilos. One advice here – do not be too harsh on your body and always opt for the gradual route and the healthy way.

Here are a few options for you which you can try, after having analyzed the above questions –

The Indian Vege Way – This a simple way to embrace dieting as most of us are used to eating Indian food. The way forward for this diet is – add lots of greens (source of minerals, vitamins, iron, and folate) to your plate, in both cooked and raw form. Drink a glass of vegetable juice daily instead of fruit juice (more fibrous and less sugar content). Alternately use paneer/ tofu/ lentils for protein supply. Minimize the intake of rice, instead, opt for Rotis.

Paleo Diet – As Paleo represents the Palaeolithic period (2.5million to 10,000 years ago), the diet emphasizes meat, fish, fruit, vegetables, nuts, and seeds, in the simplest form. So drastic cut on processed foods. Eat things which you get from nature, without sugar, salt, and oils, or processed milk products or artificial additives.
Keto Diet – Keto or Ketogenic diet prescribes low carb and high-fat diet. With a dramatic carb cut, the diet puts the body in a metabolic state called ketosis. With less carb supply, the body is believed to efficiently burn fat.

Atkins Diet – This diet like Keto, prescribes a lesser intake of carbs. With the lesser intake of carbohydrates, the diet focuses on burning fat instead of sugar (carb). So you have to give up sugar, highly processed and low-fat food. Anything that is starchy like potatoes and high carb vegetables like carrots etc.

There are many more ways of dieting and it is always advisable to opt for the one which helps in gradual shedding of kilos. Also have your diet calendar sorted with cheat days, as we said don’t be too harsh on your body.

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Tuesday 19 November 2019

Is it good to skip breakfast when you want to lose weight?

Breakfast is the most significant meal which keeps you energetic for the whole day. If you are in the process of losing weight, then you should instead make smart food choices rather than completely skipping breakfast. It’s just an illusion that skipping breakfast can slim you down. Rather than avoiding breakfast, you may substitute refined carbs for healthier food options and load your plate with complex fibers.

Earl Mindell, a renowned dietician, and nutritionist suggest the consumption of fewer meals throughout the day and never to skip breakfast.

Make a proper breakfast plan depending on your schedule, food choices and the entire meal plan of the day. It might seem easier to lose weight by skipping breakfast, but for many people, this does not work. Indeed, by skipping breakfast, you are actually avoiding weight loss benefits which you would otherwise get from breakfast.

Calorie-restricted breakfast can help to lose weight better

Include calorie-restricted items to your breakfast diet plan and consume them daily. This helps to avoid late-morning hunger pangs that make people so uncomfortable. It is seen that people who avoid breakfast actually consume more calories and junk food in the evening, during the latter part of the day. They end up taking dinner in a fast-food restaurant.

The items they consume are saturated with starch and are very high in calories.

Portion control achievable with breakfast and eating at regular intervals 

Your breakfast has to be a modest meal of the day while you may eat small meals throughout the day. This helps to avoid hunger pangs, keeps you energetic and facilitates portion control. To lose weight, you may eat smaller meals for portion control. This will also help you with weight management. Eating a healthy breakfast prevents the chance of over-eating during lunch and dinner time.

A healthy breakfast keeps you comfortable all throughout the day

Include whole-grains and lean protein in your breakfast to feel fuller and more comfortable during the day. As proteins take a long time to digest, you feel fuller for the day. This again reinforces your weight loss efforts. Fiber-rich food also helps to maintain a healthy blood sugar level.

To lose weight, you have to work out for at least 3-4 times a week. A healthy diet devoid of fat content can also improve your workout results. But, it is essential to watch the portion of the food you eat. Keep a check of the calories. If you eat a fiber-rich breakfast, you can never over-eat during lunch and dinner hours.

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Saturday 16 November 2019

Top 10 super healthy foods for your kids

Does it seem like an endless loop of life to run after your kids trying to make them “clean” their plates? What if you could serve them healthy food that they might also actually like? There’s a dream come true. Here are 10 great foods that are super healthy and tasty to boot.

Milk: Milk is a great source of calcium, an absolute must for kids to help them grow healthy bones. Milk also has vitamin D and protein and should be a part of every child’s diet — unless they have a milk allergy.

Yogurt: Yogurt is a tasty and healthy food that your kids will love. Yogurt is a great source of calcium and contains probiotics, good bacteria important for maintaining a healthy gut.

Apples: Apples contain Vitamin C and an unpeeled whole one has about 5g of fiber. Don’t peel the apple, or the fruit loses about half its fiber.
Sweet potato: Sweet potatoes are a rich source of beta-carotene. They contain essential antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Sweet potato helps to prevent oxidative damage to your kid’s cells and promotes healing.

Fatty fish: Fish is a great source of protein, provides omega-3 essential fatty acids and many vitamins and minerals. Getting enough omega-3s has a positive effect on a child’s vision and cognitive development.

Daal: Lentils like daal are good sources of protein as well as iron. Iron helps red blood cells carry oxygen to cells throughout the body and plays a role in brain development.

Eggs: Eggs are a good source of protein, contain some iron and many other vitamins and minerals. Add an egg a day to your child’s diet and watch them grow. And kids love them, don’t they?

Nuts: Nuts are natural power-packs of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, healthy fats, protein, and fiber, which help children grow, develop and learn. While nuts might have a choking hazard for young kids. So, avoid until age four.

Dried fruits: Dried fruits are rich sources of fiber. They help maintain good gut health and prevent constipation in children. Dried fruits such as dates, raisins, figs, and prunes are also good sources of iron.

Beans: Beans are a humble superfood. They come loaded with protein and fiber. Buy canned beans, open, rinse to remove extra sodium and add to any dish.

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Friday 15 November 2019

What are net carbs and how to calculate it?

Net carb is the total percentage of carbohydrate in any foodstuff minus the fiber content of it. Fiber is also a carbohydrate, but the body cannot digest that and so it does not raise the sugar level of blood. It is good to consume a low-carb diet if you are trying to reduce weight. Experts say that by sticking to a low-carb diet, you may reap glorious benefits in your path to getting slim. Betsy Opyt, a leading dietician, states that simple carbohydrate and simple sugar are easily digested to cause a spike in sugar level. As they are constituted of short and simple molecular structures, they are broken down and absorbed by the body quite quickly. So, it is better to consume complex carbohydrates that are difficult to breakdown. Examples of complex carbs are green veggies, fruits, whole grains, and legumes.

To stay fuller for a long time, fill your plate with complex carbs. Here are the benefits:

  • You feel energetic for the whole day
  • You sleep better getting rid of insomnia
  • It boosts cognitive and brain functioning
  • Brings down the risk of heart ailments
  • No chance of mood swing

Important facts on net carbs

  • If you follow the popular Atkins Diet, then you need to calculate net carbs frequently.
  • Net carb is the total amount of carbohydrate in the food minus sugar alcohol and the fiber content
  • It properly displays carbohydrate content you consume that will impact your blood sugar level. Thus, it is must to calculate net carbs when you are on Atkins diet
  • Nutrient-dense veggies and fruits lower in glycemic content carry less of net carb. Their consumption doesn’t interfere with weight loss
How to calculate?

Check the food label to calculate net carbs in your diet. The formula for calculating net carb is stated below:

Net carbs = the sum total of carbohydrates in the food – sugar alcohols – fiber

Note: Sugar alcohols may or may not be applicable.

Since the food label for fruits and veggies is not there, it is easy to calculate net carb. Your dietician may help in portioning food or tracking the carbohydrate that impacts the blood sugar level.

Atkins Science is also a favorite way to calculate Net Carb in the diet. While using Atkin shakes, Atkin bars and related products, you may be sure of the net carb count as the glycemic impact has already been tested on the volunteers. The net carb count is based on the test result of the glycemic load.

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Thursday 14 November 2019

Busting the myths about Yoga

When a Google search for Yoga can throw about 1,32,00,00,000 results (in just 1.42 seconds), you know there can be all kinds of information available up there. Some of it might be descriptive, some literature and images, videos and some can be pretty confusing and ambiguous. Not counting those which can be totally incorrect.

Here is a list of myths about Yoga which is untrue –

Yoga is associated with a particular religion – Yes, some detractors argue that Yoga is associated with the Hindu religion, but actually it is more spiritual. Yogic practices, according to spiritual guru Sadhguru, originated in ancient India. Practicing Yoga does not mean embracing Hindu religion but more of imbibing a lifestyle, which is associated with Hindu culture. The culture and lifestyle which developed beside the Sindhu River since time immemorial. Over the years, other religions such as Buddhism, and Jainism have embraced Yoga.

Yoga is only a way to stay physically fit Some practitioners treat yoga as a regimen for physical fitness. Yoga is much more than that. Yoga or “Yuj”, a Sanskrit word, means “to unite”. Or simply explained practicing yoga would lead to unite individual consciousness with larger Universal consciousness. Different forms of yoga not only uplift health but practicing regularly also result in mental wellbeing.

Yoga can be practiced at any time of the day – There are different types of asanas and meditation. For best results, it is advisable to practice yoga early in the morning, preferably with an empty stomach. Again, some asanas can be performed during sunset in the evening. Avoid when a yoga studio tells to come for 11.00 am class!
Yoga is only for Men – Men have been practicing yoga since time immemorial. In recorded history, there might be more eminent yoga gurus than women teachers. However, in the past 40 years or so, many women have practiced and taught yoga in several cities and contributed to its literature. Yoga can help women in more than one – balancing hormones, improving metabolism and mental health, posture and many more.

Yoga is only for people of certain age group – This is a very misleading perception. One can practice yoga for a lifetime. And is one of the least complicated ways of attaining physical and mental wellbeing. There are different schools like Ashtanga, Hatha, Iyengar, and each of these has a specific way of doing it. There are legendary stories where both men and women have been practicing yoga until the age of 90 years.

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Tuesday 12 November 2019

Learn to lose weight the fun way, try Zumba!

Whenever someone talks about losing weight, images of intense workout, regular sweat out sessions at the gym or serious dieting comes to my mind. Until I came across Zumba.

For those who have not heard about it – Zumba is a form for an exercise, which involves fun dance and aerobic moves. The program designed by Colombian dancer and choreographer Alberto “Beto” Perez, mixes moves of hip-hop, salsa, flamenco, merengue and many more dance forms with loud music.  What is interesting, the dance form has evolved since the 1990s, every year in its yearly summit meet in Florida, the practitioners try to infuse other workout forms and make it attractive and more fun for all age groups.

So when you practice Zumba in a group or even alone, you feel as if it is more like a dance party. No wonder why this form of exercise has emerged as one of the most popular workouts across the world, including in India. There are millions of practitioners worldwide.
Why Zumba is a fun way to lose weight?

When you start practicing Zumba, you are advised to look “happy” and loud in “cheering” when performing the high energy workout. There is no strict dress code, you can practice with gym shoes or even in barefoot.

Zumba workout is unisex- yes men can join the fun sessions too. It is a popular workout regime for elderly age group people as well. The workout is good for elderlies as it swings between high to low-intensity workouts with breaks in between.

You might not be great in dancing, but the practitioners do not emphasize perfect rhythm, all it is expected from a new starter is to keep moving to the tune of music.

Zumba is fun, as you can practice anywhere – you can access hundreds of videos on Youtube and the Zumba website. You do not have to subscribe to an expensive gym membership. Learn the moves and start to get in the groove.

Usually, Zumba is practiced for one hour to forty-five minutes. It has been found that a 60-minutes workout can shed 369 calories, on an average.

The workout strengthens and tones midriff and hips. Leg muscles get strengthened as you constantly keep moving your legs during the workout. Zumba with its moves adds flexibility to the body.

And the most important part, as you smile and clap and cheer loudly during the workout, you feel energized and look happily drenched in this workout form.

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Monday 11 November 2019

Simple at home exercises to tone your body

If you don’t want to hit the gym, you may exercise at home and tone your body. With little effort from your end, your body would be toned, and your entire look will change. This may be accomplished within a few weeks. There is no need for special gym equipment or take gym membership when you can exercise at home.

The plank exercise is the best body toning exercise

Plank is a highly beneficial static exercise that tones the whole body. You need, and not much motion is required. Plank exercise can work out your arm muscles, your abs, thigh, anterior muscles, and other regions.

Push up for full-body exercise

Push up is a usual kind of exercise that helps to get back in shape. Push up exercise will strain the abs and your arms. Follow the right way of doing it and tone the lower body.
Squats for legs and abdomen

To tone up your leg muscles and tummy, you may try out squats. As the exercise is about balance, it is best for legs and abs. Since the back remains straight, it puts less stress on the back. Do 2-3 sets of squats with 8-10 repetitions. It is best for buttocks and abs. In fact, it is good for lower body toning.

Burpees can tone up your back, legs, shoulders, and core

When doing burpees, you need to stand and then bend over for squat. Extend your arms forward and place the hands wider than your shoulders. In this position, kick your legs backward while the body is still straight. This is exactly the plank pose and then pull your legs forward and tuck the underbody while planting your feet on the floor to jump up. This is best for the shoulders, back, legs and core muscles.

Crossbody for lower back, abs and hip muscles

Let the body form a line from head to your ankle and hold the push up position Cross body mountain climbing is best for hips, lower back and abs. Bring the left knee towards the right elbow and then move left leg towards the floor. Doing this as many times, you may tone up your abs, back, and hips.

Ball push up is best for upper body toning

Place the stability ball or the gym ball under the midsection while moving your hands forward till you attain the push-up position. Let the hands be flat on the floor while your shins on the ball.

Jump squats work out the entire body 

Stand with your feet and shoulders apart while the arms on your sides. Squat deeply till your knees are just parallel to the ground. Lift your arms and use the feet to drive and push off high.  The jump squat is best for toning leg muscles.

The seven exercises as mentioned above can tone the entire body. You may choose all of them and do them in sets.

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Saturday 9 November 2019

New age parenting: Ideas for a 360 degree education

Parenting is one of the most challenging, stressful and demanding jobs on the planet. When it comes to dealing with their children, parents need to exercise caution. One of the most important values exhibited by parents is immense amounts of patience and perseverance. There are no specific books that teach parenting. Parents need to be physically and mentally present for their children. By doing so, they can help their child to develop a secure and confident individual. When parents experience happy or unhappy situations or guilt-ridden situations, they need to get a grip on their own emotions first. This way they can pass on the skill of responsibly reacting to situations to their child. In the chaotic and complicated society that we live in, the foremost job of any parent is to ensure that their kids grow up to be healthy, happy, confident and responsible. This has been largely overlooked by parents. Parents need to look inwards, transform their own behavior and then inculcate the right values in their child.

Discipline Begins with Adults, then Children

A parent cannot expect his or her child to be disciplined if they live out their lives in a manner that shows them in a poor light. A child looks up to his or her parents. When they see their parents behaving badly they quickly learn to follow suit. This means that despite sometimes difficult situations, a parent has to make the effort of being graceful and display courage and endurance.

Move Beyond Punishment-and-Reward Systems of Parenting

The old dual method of severely punishing the child for a bad deed and rewarding for a good deed is now proving to be obsolete. Children need to be loved unconditionally regardless of what they do or how they behave.

Parent’s Words are Important

How do you talk to your child? The way parents communicate with their children or for that matter do not communicate many leaves a lasting impression on the child’s mind.

Children Need a Showering of Unconditional Loving Guidance

Parents need to understand that Children need to be loved unconditionally. They need to love the child even if he or she has made mistakes. If a child feels he or she is not being loved enough, he will grow up to be an insecure individual.

Your child, just like his or her parents learns from mistakes

It’s natural for anyone to make mistakes. Children also learn about life from the mistakes they make.

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Friday 8 November 2019

Tips to Get Maximum Amount of Nutrients from Food

If you wish to stay healthy, it is essential to make sure that your body is getting a regular supply of all the vital nutrients. Whether it is Protein, Vitamins, or any other nutrients, the body needs a certain amount to function in an orderly manner. Else one develops a deficiency, which shows up with symptoms and without symptoms. One of the primary sources of these nutrients is the food that we consume. Food, which has the right kind of nutrients have to be consumed regularly. Some items we take interfere adversely with digestion and secretion. So stay away from such items, no matter how tempting they are.

To absorb the maximum nutrients, follow these simple tips –

Add Variety to the Plate: Include a variety of items like green vegetables, eggs, fish, chicken, and others to your daily meals. Make sure you include some of them at least to your lunch and dinner. This way, the body will get the regular supply of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, and other nutrients from a single meal.
Eat it the right way: Some simple mantras like cutting, soaking, chopping items help in processing complex nutrients. For, e.g., consume cut fruits and vegetables, soak rice, lentils, legumes and chop and crush onions, garlic, green leafy vegetables.

Pair Iron with Vitamin C Foods: To get the best benefit out of Vitamin C, make sure to pair it with those food items which are rich in Iron. For instance, you can try Oranges with nuts and seeds.
Healthy Fat is Essential: It is essential to make sure that you are feeding your body with healthy fat that would convert into energy. The body can utilize vitamins A, D, E, and K only with healthy fats. So add flaxseeds, olive oil, milk to your diet.

No Tea during Meal Times: Many of us have a habit of drinking tea during or after meals. Get rid of such a practice if you want to derive maximum nutrients out of the food. Tea doesn’t allow the body to absorb the nutrients from the food that you are consuming. Again, anything which has high caffeine content, such as Coffee or Soda, does not allow the body to absorb vitamins and minerals. So cut down on coffee and soda intake.

Say no to Alcohol: Reduce the intake of alcohol as it reduces digestive enzymes from the body. Alcohol is known to damage the stomach and intestine linings and therefore making it difficult to process the food.

Water is vital: The body’s digestive system is dependent on the level of hydration. Drinking sufficient water is essential not only to ease food digestion, and circulation of nutrients in the bloodstream but also to flush out toxins.

Bring down stress level: When you are highly stressed, the cortisol level is likely to shoot up, and that might intervene with the digestive process in an undesirable way. So, find out ways to reduce the stress level.

Apart from these, make sure that you stay away from junk and oily foods as much as possible for the simple reason that their nutritional value is less.

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Thursday 7 November 2019

Tips to calm yourself when you are angry

Anger is something that can turn a person into a beast, make one do horrible things. People often tend to make decisions when they are angry, which they regret later on. Therefore, it is crucial for you to make sure that you have control over anger. Some people are short-tempered and tend to get angry quickly; apparently for no reason. They might calm down quite easily, but such manners can leave a negative impact on others.
On the other hand, there are those who might not get angry quite quickly; however, if they do, it can be tough to calm them down. In either case, anger is something that can have a severe effect on one’s right senses. Over time, your loved ones, colleagues, and acquaintances might start avoiding you because of your temperament. Therefore, why not work on ways to calm down while you are angry or about to get angry.

Things that can help you Calm down when you are Angry

Before one starts working on ways to manage anger, the person must identify the trigger points and should realize, anger management can take months to show results. No matter what the situation might be, it is imperative to calm yourself down, after an initial outburst. Sharing ten tips that might help in anger management:

Leave the Scene: This is one of the best things that you can do. Leave the scene and go for a brief walk. It will help you to calm down.
Take Deep Breaths: When you are angry take deep breathes which would help you to get rid of the negative energy stored in your body.

Reverse Count: This is a handy way of calming down. Whenever you are angry, start reverse counting from 20 to 1. By the time you have reached 1, you will realize that your anger has settled down a lot.

Yoga: This can help. Yoga is all about inhaling and exhaling, which allows our mind and body to relax and also keeps mind stress-free. The more relaxed you are, the less are the chances of you getting angry.
Distract Yourself: If you know the trigger points that shoot your temper, then try distracting yourself. Make sure to avoid the situation altogether.

Think about the Consequences: You should learn from your previous mistakes, and as a matured person, you should not commit the same mistakes. Think your social circle might have shrunk due to your outburst. That will help you stay calm.

Sharing might help: If you get outraged, you can share your emotions with someone you trust. Venting out can help you to drain your frustration. Also, your confidante might have a constructive suggestion to calm you down.

Do something you like: Whenever you feel angry, indulge yourself into something you love doing; like listening to music, going for a walk and others.

It’s “I,” and not them: Instead of holding others responsible for your bad mood, always know it is you who is getting annoyed. Change has to start within you controlling your emotions.
Write it Down: At times, writing down your reactions can help to calm your nerves and mind.

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Wednesday 6 November 2019

Top 5 reasons to do plank exercise every day

Tired of doing crunches? Everyone dreams to have flat abs but it is not possible to attain that simply with stomach crunches. If crunches don’t give you any result, embrace plank exercise. Doing plank, you may burn 221 calories in just an hour. Planks are useful exercise according to FitClick. It burns calories even after you stop exercising. It is the leading core workout that tones and strengthens the core. It challenges your entire body and is much better than usual crunches.

Deckline Leitao, the leading strength and conditioning coach, states that plank is an effective calorie burner that involves your core muscles constantly for a minute much unlike other exercises like stomach crunches and burpees. There is no relaxation in between when you do a plank. It starts from the push-up position where one rests the bodyweight on the palms and arms. Throughout the process, the body must be straight from head to the toes.
The fabulous way to strengthen the core

Plank exercise engages glutes, obliques, abdominis and rectus abdominis. Since each and every muscle groups serve a purpose, plank exercise gives the core a definition. Using traverse abdominis, one may lift the weight. Plank exercise increases pressure on the abdomen. Rectus abdominis reveals six-pack appearance, boosts sports performance. Plank helps to develop these muscles including obliques to pave the way for an hour-glass figure.

No spinal injury or back injury

We can plank regularly to strengthen core muscles and thereby reduce the probability of back injury and spinal injury. When the core is strong, your body may perform different movements, indulge in sports activities of intensive nature. Planking is the finest way to build muscular strength, protect the hips and spines from any injury.

An easy and convenient way to workout

Indulge in planking wherever you want. No such arrangement is required. Just drop down and trigger calorie burning. It boosts metabolism and speeds up calorie burning. An office-goer cannot give an excuse that he/she has no time to make it to the gym. Plank exercise can keep him fit and fine.

Better posture

All throughout planking, you are supposed to keep your body straight from head to toes. Besides, the strong core paves the way for an upright body. When the core muscles are strong, it can effectively support the spine.

Better body balance

The act of balancing is facilitated by plank exercise. Solid core muscles improve body balance and help to stand upright and taller.
      For good health and overall fitness, we should plank regularly. Planking helps to avoid lower back pain, prevents injuries and reveals sculpted belly.

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Tuesday 5 November 2019

Want to practice Yoga? Know the major types of Yoga

Once you have decided to practice Yoga as a way to embrace mental well being and a healthy lifestyle, one should also know the different benefits of yoga and types.
While the practice of Yoga is a way to connect with yourself with the Universe, there are dozens of physical benefits. Practicing yoga, the right way can help you in attaining your fitness goals.
Yoga certainly improves blood circulation, muscle toning, posture and aids in recuperating from pain. Practicing some specific asanas can be a good cardio exercise. Some asanas can aid the strengthening of muscles and improve flexibility. Even performing some basic asanas can aid in improving sleep.
A person who is likely to join yoga sessions soon should also know the different types of yoga and what can be achieved by practicing each of these.

Some of the important types of yoga styles are given below

Hatha Yoga – According to spiritual guru Sadhguru, this type of yoga focuses on certain postures or asanas to attain and sustain higher dimensions of energy. It is advised for beginners to begin with hatha yoga to purify the mind and body before one can start practicing higher forms of yoga.
Iyengar Yoga – This form of yoga, designed by guru BKS Iyengar, prescribes the use of props to attain stability, agility, and flexibility. Those who have injuries or pain in bone joints are advised to practice this form.
Kundalini Yoga – This school focuses on activating Kundalini energy. The energy stored in the lower spine can be activated with the chanting of mantras, meditation, yantra, and tantra. This practice is considered as one of the most difficult practice as it involves intense workouts.
Ashtanga Yoga – Also known as the “eight limbs” path, this focuses on physically strenuous postures like Surya Namaskar and floor-based exercises. These are again an intense form of workouts, should be undertaken at a later stage. If you intend to tone your body, this one is a must.
Vinyasa Yoga – Like Ashtanga yoga, this form also focuses on postures and breathing techniques. Excellent cardio, it increases heart rate, as postures changes swiftly.
Bikram Yoga – Started by yoga guru Bikram Choudhury, the asanas can be performed only under certain environmental conditions (room temperature should be 40-degree centigrade and humidity should be 40 percent). There are about 26 postures that have to be performed in the set condition. The external heat condition will help in flushing out toxins. It is advisable to take a lot of fluids after practicing this form.

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Monday 4 November 2019

Top 10 home remedies for acne free flawless, bright and glamorous skin

It is pretty unfortunate if you suffer from acne that mars your beauty. Everyone wants to have beautiful and flawless skin but a lot many factors govern the type of skin you have. Experts recommend certain home remedies for acne treatment at home, and so there is no need to shell out money for expensive treatments. Also, such treatments are devoid of side effects. With the spot acne treatment, you may handle age marks, blemishes and get rid of pimples that seem to stare at you. Let’s have a look.

Tea tree oil: an effective treatment for acne

Tea tree oil has an inflammation-fighting property and is less harsh than benzoyl peroxide solution to act powerfully against acne. Mix some tea tree oil in 30 drops witch hazel and dip a cotton ball. Apply it on the pimples directly and leave for a few minutes. Do this twice daily.

Green Tea to fight acne

Green tea bears antioxidant and antimicrobial compounds to combat acne. Keep a bag of chilled green tea on the surface of the acne and leave for some time. You may also apply chilled green tea on the area and wash your face.

Apply honey directly

Honey has an antibiotic property which fades acne slowly and steadily. Prepare a face pack with 1 cup oatmeal and half cup pure honey. Apply to the affected area and leave for 40 minutes.

Mint face pack

The leading cause of acne is pore-clogging oil. To get rid of the oil, prepare a face pack by mixing one tablespoon of fresh mint finely chopped, one tablespoon of plain yogurt, and one tablespoon of oatmeal. Mix them together and apply the solution on your face. Leave on the face for 30 minutes and wash off.
Aspirin: an over-the-counter solution for acne

Aspirin is rich in salicylic acid which dries up pimples by reducing inflammation. Mash aspirin in water and apply it on your skin.

Chamomile for acne treatment

Buy chamomile tea bags from the market. Empty its content in a blender and mix water. Apply the paste on your skin regularly. You may also prepare chamomile tea and let it cool in the refrigerator. Dip a cotton ball in the chilled chamomile tea and rest it on the pimples.

Other home remedies

  • Use aloe vera pulp on your face directly to promote healing and to fight infection
  • Apply lemon juice on the face, leave for 10 minutes and wash off
  • Apply the mixture of apple cider vinegar and water on your face
  • Apply orange juice rich in citric acid to get relief

There are many home remedies for acne, and you should certainly try out.
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Saturday 2 November 2019

Effects of air pollution on kids: A parental guide

Air pollution is an inevitable part of our lives today. Our polluted air has everyone gasping and struggling for fresh air. In worse situations, people have decreased sleep, decreased work performance and even suffer from lung disease and cancer. In all this life-threatening and dangerously smoggy atmosphere, our children are the worst hit. The lungs of small children are not fully developed.

A newborn baby only has twenty percent of an adult's lung mass which is only complete in his or her teenage years when a child’s lungs are strong enough to somewhat bear the onslaught of pollution. Because of the child’s underdeveloped lungs, they tend to breathe rather quickly and inhale more of the pollutants than a fully grown human being. A child’s ability to fight off the effects of air pollution is also much lesser than an adult’s.
Also, the immunity of a child is not so well developed to be able to manage infections. This results in respiratory problems linked to air pollution such as asthma. Because of this, the overall health of a child gets severely affected. A child who is still developing can have serious health issues owing to air pollution compared to an adult. Our children are more exposed to the outdoors in parks, playgrounds, and schoolyards during playtime and other activities, while the adults are usually ensconced in closed offices for large portions of the day. In all this, it is extremely essential for parents to be aware of the air quality around their child.
However dismal the scene may be, there is still hope.

Parents can go the extra mile by ensuring that their home is squeaky clean and free of any common allergens such as dust, pollen and pet dander. Removal of carpets and rugs would also be a great way to keep your home germ free. Harsh chemicals found in household cleaning agents should be avoided and Vinegar would make a good option.

Finally, good ventilation, filtering the air and opening a few windows will greatly help in reducing pollution.

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